Bloody Baron x The Grey Lady

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Helena Ravenclaw sat against a tree in the quiet forest. She was selfish to not enjoy these beautiful moments given to her. Her eyes were closed and the diadem rested on her head.

"Helena? I know your out here." A voice called. Helena got up and hid the diadem in the hollow tree she was standing in front of.

"I'm here my love." Helena said. The Baron appeared in front of her and her lips curved in a slow smile.

"Helena, your mother has fallen ill and wishes to see you before she moves on from the world." The baron said. Helena gave him a sad look.

"You know I cannot return my love. I'm sorry to disappoint you." Helena said softly.

"Helena, she doesn't care you stole her diadem. She just wishes to see you before she dies." The baron said, looking in her eyes, pleading with her to come.

"I can't go back!" Helena exclaimed .

"Please! For your mother! For me!" He begged.

"I cannot." Helena said again.

"Helena, my love, please come." He said quietly.

"Don't you understand! I cannot go back! I thought you of all people would understand!" Helena screamed.

"I don't understand! She's your mother!" He screamed back.

"Leave!" Helena shouted.

"No!" Baron shouted back.

"Leave!" Helena shouted. Suddenly, something stabbed her in the chest. She looked up and saw that her love had stabbed her.

"My love, why?" She asked her blood started to stain his clothes and Helena paled. All the color drained from her face as she fell onto the grassy ground, her heart beating no more. The baron dropped his weapon when he realized what he had done.

"Helena, my love! I am so sorry!" The baron cried. He picked up the weapon he used to kill her with, and stabbed himself. He fell next to his love. They would never part the mortal world. They were cursed to live on. The Bloody Baron and The Grey Lady. No one knew who the new ghosts at Hogwarts were, or why The Grey Lady was so sad, or why The Bloody Baron was covered in blood. The saddest part, the ghosts of the lost lovers never crossed paths.


A/N: @Not_YourAverageGirl gave me the idea for this. I just keep thinking how sad their story was. I realize that their ghosts did cross paths, but for the sake of the story, I pretend they didn't.

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