Harry Potter ~ A Brief Glance

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A/N: I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. You'll understand soon enough.


"Ron, what are you doing!" Hermione scolded. The trio was sitting at the table in the great hall and Ron was copying Harry's homework.

"I'm sorry, moody is a tough teacher." Ron grumbled.

"Honestly Ronald." Everyone was like always. There was nothing out of place, when a man walked in, wearing casual clothes. His hair was a raven mess, thrown about, round glasses were perched in his nose, beautiful green eyes behind it. He had a slight stubble on his tan skin, and there was an easily recognizable lightning scar.

"Looks like it worked." The man smirked.

"Who are you?" Snape asked the man.

"Oh, I'm sorry professor Snape, it's been awhile since I saw you. I'm from the future. Harry Potter." The man smiled and the young Harry got up.

"You're me!" He asked.

"Yup. I forget how young I looked in fourth year." The future Harry looked around, eyes on him in awe.

"Harry mate, you grew up attractive." Ron teased.

"Shut it Ron." Harry nudged.

"What brings you here Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked politely.

"I was teaching my adoptive son a thing or two about potions and I failed, so I ended up here. No worry though, my fiancé will get me out. And when I leave, your memory of me will leave too." Future Harry shrugged.

"You adopt a child?" Draco snorted.

"Oh Draco, I miss the times you were a prat. Your still a prat in my time, but, were much closer in my time." Future Harry admitted.

"What? No way!" Harry shouted.

"Oh. I like where this is going." Dumbledore chuckled.

"You learn to love him. I mean, I'm engaged to him after all." Harry smirked and he watched in joy as both Harry and Draco looked at each other in disgust. "You may think it's impossible, but I lived through a war, and that war helped move things along." Future Harry shrugged and looked around.

"How do you have kids then?" Draco commented.

"Oh, I'm divorced. I have three kids already. Adorable little things. My Draco has a son himself. He's also divorced." Future Harry informed.


"In my time, a lot of the people I grew up with ended up marrying the same sex. My ex wife married Luna after we split, Oliver and Percy ft hitched almost right after the war, as did Dean and Seamus, but oh well." Harry walked up to where the teachers are. "I named one of my sons after you too." Future Harry smiled at Dumbledore.

"Of course you did." Professor Snape sighed.

"His name is Albus Severus Potter." Harry smiled kindly.

"Harry, were you on drugs naming your kids?" Hermione asked.

"You seem pretty laid back." The twins noted.

"I'm happy in my current time, as are those around me. Why wouldn't I be happy? Still, it's nice to see this place again. After the war it was never quite the same." Future Harry smiled fondly.

"War? What war?" Harry asked.

"The war against the death eaters. Lost a lot of people in that war. Including my godfather, my adopted son's actual parents, my owl, dobby, close people. The war against Voldemort. A war we won." Future Harry smiled sadly.

"Daaaad!" A voice exclaimed as a blue haired kid ran in. He was roughly about twelve. He ran straight into future Harry.

"Woah there teddy, what's wrong?" Future Harry asked.

"I just transported here! That potion you made sucks! Why didn't you let Draco teach me?" Teddy asked.

"You're so mean to me Teddy." Future Harry sighed.

"Woah..... it's uncle Fred and George! Even though we aren't technically related!" Teddy exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's not scar them any farther, okay?" Future Harry warned.

"Aren't they going to forget anyways?" Teddy asked.

"They will, but it's still better not to take a chance." Future Harry sighed.

"Fine." Teddy poured a bit.

"I really finding it hard to imagine you as a father Potter." Draco commented.

"He's a great dad! After all, we all chose to stay with him instead of mum." Teddy informed happily.

"Why's that?" Ron asked.

"Well, Luna and me ex-wife, with the life they live, they couldn't really support kids." Future Harry shrugged.

"Who is this ex-wife of yours?" Harry asked.

"Oh, I married Ginny. We got married right after the war. Three kids later. We decided we should split. We both were kinda gay." Future Harry chuckled.

"Honestly. The first thing I come home to is this." A new voice groaned, and in walked an older Draco Malfoy. He didn't have a stubble, but like fine wine, he aged beautifully.

"Sorry." Future Harry apologized.

"You need to stop messing with potions when I'm not around." Future Draco scolded, pulling something out of his pocket.

"Draco!" Teddy exclaimed happily. Draco picked up Teddy.

"Hey there you bean sprout. He, eat this, it will send us back." Future Draco ordered.

"Got it!" Teddy nodded frantically and plopped the pull Draco gave him in his mouth, the child vanishing from his arms.

Future Harry looked at Future Draco, "you're amazing, you know that?" He smiled kindly.

"I know I am, here." He gave the pill to Future Harry who took it immediately, vanishing himself.

"How can you stand him!" Draco questioned.

"Well, after the war, he was always there for me. Things happen." Future Draco smiled and took the pill, disappearing in thin air. Everyone's memories wiped clean of the event, except for Dumbledore, who happily lived with the knowledge that Harry named a kid after him.


A/N: I liked the idea and went with it!

My b-day is tomorrow! I'm so excited! I've never been excited for a Monday besides!

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