Oliver x Percy ~ A Stereotype Couple (High School AU)

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A/N: so sorry for not posting! I've been having massive writers block. That and I focus all my creative energy into my creative writing class. I'm currently sick, and everything hurts, but I needed to distract myself from it by writing!

This is just going to be a silly one shot as well, so feel free to send requests, I'm struggling with ideas currently.


Percy was a nerd, face stuck in his books, glasses that never stayed put as they forever slid down Percy's nose, forcing him to push them up constantly. His clothes were baggy, showing none of his figure, but rather made him look frumpy. He was standoffish, not many friends to his name, finding books more comforting than social reaction.

He was the soon to be valedictorian, his grades perfect, no low grade to leave a blemish on his history of perfect A's. The teachers love him, the student body however, either didn't know/care for him, or hated his guts. He was in almost every club and had a good speaking voice, despite how shy he was.

His hair was a slightly curly mess, a trait he oh so hated, happy that it wasn't that bad, the ginger locks being mostly straight and neat, easy to take care of, even though it was slightly shaggy at this point, covering most of his face, hiding his bright blue eyes. He was scrawny, tall and lanky, but again, no one could see it.

Oliver, on the other hand, was a jock. He was loud, overconfident, his words vibrating the ears of everyone who dared to listen, he was a charismatic leader who had lots of street smarts, but when it came to school, he struggled academically. He managed to get by, with high C's and low B's, but he still struggled.

He was loved by the student body, but teachers hated how he seemed to brush off the important things in life, seeing him as nothing but brash. His muscles were constantly on display, even when he wore thick shirts, they just shown on through. Even though he wasn't the tallest guy around, he was pretty tall, with dark, warm, striking brown eyes that stared people down. His short, light brown hair even seemed to make him more appealing.

The thing about the two though, they were both in the closet. Percy always knew he liked guys, never feeling a connection with any girls, but his heart always leaped around cute or handsome guys. He didn't know how to really act on his feelings, and kept them bottled up, even when he fell for Oliver Wood. He knew he had no chance with a jock that popular.

Oliver figured he was gay the first time he tried to date, finding nothing interesting with the girl he thought he liked, but rather, took an interest in the girl's older brother. Of course, the feelings for guys never changed, and he was lost in thought, thinking about the unattainable Percy Weasley.

They were polar opposites, stereotypes brought to life, but.... they were friends and they found themselves attracted to each other, madly falling for the other, and in their minds, they were out of reach from each other, and never thought to act on it. They'd rather wallow in a sea of self-pity.

Still, the fates always planned things out, and they had a plan for the two. They needed the pair together, having locked their destinies together when the two were born.

"Percy," a voice called. Percy paid it no mind, "Percy!" They shouted, and Percy simply groaned.

"What?" He sputtered out, his little sister standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.

"You look awful! Harry, Hermione and Draco agree with me and decided to give you a makeover, you need it, badly."

Percy rolled his eyes, "why? If it's because no one will love me, why are my looks a deciding factor? Shouldn't they love me for my personality?" He pressed.

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