(Neville) + Draco x Harry~ A Friend In Me

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A/N: I have @easepotter to thank for this idea and I really love it! I'm so happy to write it!


Neville sat on the arm of the couch, the fire blazing and flickering. He was tired, his eyes weary, puffy and red with tears. It wasn't even noticeable to him that he was crying.

Neville came out to his friends at dinner and a lot of people overheard and started calling him things he didn't want to hear.

His head was a mess. The sour faces of his so called friends filled his brain. Their abrasive words punched him in the gut. He didn't really know what to do.

"Are you okay there Longbottom?" A voice called out. Neville froze, wondering how the person got into the ROR. He wiped at his face and lifted his head, seeing the one and only Draco Malfoy. He expected a cold scoff or maybe just more abrasive words.

"What do you care?" Neville hissed, wanting to disappear.

"I think that whole fiasco at dinner was terrible. You really shouldn't have been treated that way." Draco offered a smile, his eyes filled with pain. Neville only guessed that Draco was in a similar situation.

"Are you like me?" Neville rushed.

"Am I gay? Yes. So I understand the pain you must be in." Draco plopped down on the couch. "I came here to be alone. Though, it's nice to have company." Draco chuckled, trying to calm Neville down.

"Why are you being so nice? You always spit at us Gryffindor's, at us dirty bloods." Neville remarked.

"I don't actually think that. Maybe during my first few years here, yeah, but when Granger socked me third year, I got a reality check. Besides, I only fought with Potter because I like him." Draco admitted.

"Harry? Why? You set your standards really low." Neville jokes, brightening up a bit. Draco laughed himself.

"Seems so! What about you Neville, got your eye on anyone here?" Draco asked.

"Not really. There's this muggle I'm friends with though and well, he's quite the charmer." Neville sat next to Draco.

"Sounds nice. I have to suffer because Potter is oblivious, a Gryffindor, and straight!" Draco fumed.

"He always talks about you. It's ridiculous. Though, I'm not sure what everyone thinks of me now." Neville sighed a bit.

"Longbottom... no, Neville, I'm here for you. If you ever want to talk, I'll be here for you. I'll even eat lunch at your table if you want me too. You shouldn't have to suffer just because everyone wants you to." Draco smiled, getting up. "I'm heading back to the dorms, you should head back to. Here, take these, they'll clear up those puffy eyes of yours." Draco pressed a wet cloth into Neville's hand and left the room.

The next day was going to be torture, in Neville's opinion. He already got pushed around in the morning by some fellow Gryffindor's. strangely enough, it was all the half-bloods and pure-bloods.

He walked in to the great hall and paused for a bit. What was he going to do?

"Neville, stop standing around, come on." Neville nearly jumped when Hermione and Harry walked besides him, smiling at him kindly.

"You guys aren't avoiding me?" Neville muttered.

"If anyone at this school knows discrimination, it's us two. Don't worry Neville, we're still your friends." The pair offered. Neville smiled and walked with ten to the table. Ron offered Neville a giant grin too, all the Weasley's did. The others, they seemed disgusted with Neville.

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