Percy x Oliver ~ Let's Talk About You And Me

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A/N: I'm like, really in love with this ship, please keep requesting them, I love them so much! Requested again by the wonderful @easepotter


The room was silent, except for the exasperated sigh that escaped Percy's pursed lips. Percy dropped his quill and leaned back in his chair. He got up and walked outside of his dorm, seeing the warm, inviting fire in the common room and walked down. No signs of other students anywhere. Percy, exhausted from all his rounds and from homework, collapsed on the couch. He stared up at the ceiling when the all to familiar Oliver Wood popped up, hovering over Percy.

"Why ya sleeping down here? The dorms not too far away." Percy sat up and stretched.

"It's something about this school. I just felt the urge to come down here. I shouldn't considering the whole Chamber of Secrets situation, yet here I am." Percy laughed tiredly.

"Speaking of, it's really ruining Quidditch. I hope the culprit is found soon." Oliver complained.

"Your brain is ninety percent Quidditch. The other ten isn't really anything." Percy snorted.

"Don't have to be so mean to me." Oliver groaned.

"You talk about Quidditch too much." Percy pointed out.

"You don't understand Percy. We have the trump card, we have Harry Potter as our Seeker and he's one hell of a Seeker. We've gotten a few matches canceled already and I only got this year and next year 'till I'm off into the real world." Oliver exasperatedly spike.

"Honestly." Percy huffed.

"And those crooked Slytherin's tried to take out my entire team quite a few times. I just want to show the world the real Gryffindor power, our strength. We can't do that with this problem!" He exclaimed, still hovering over Percy by leaning over the armrest, but not looking at Percy.

"Honestly." Percy grabbed Oliver's shirt as he started rambling again and pressed his lips to Oliver's. it was short and caught Oliver by great surprise. It wasn't until Percy pulled away that he realized what he did. A flush heated both of their faces as Percy jumped to his feet and raced back upstairs towards their dorm. It took Oliver a minute to recover.

"Percy!" He chased after him and ran toward their room. Percy was already inside, hiding himself with his blankets.

"Merlin, why did I do that? Why did I do that?" Percy curled a bit into a ball as soon as e heard the door open.

"You know, despite being one of the smartest students at this school, you really have a tendency to pick the worst places." Oliver commented.

"Shut up!" Percy exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, you just kissed me. I'm a bit shocked." Oliver sighed.

"Can we not talk about that?" Percy asked, looking dejected, not that Oliver could see since Percy's face was hidden.

"Were roommates Percy, if we don't talk about it we're going to start avoiding each other and things will get awkward." Oliver said softly, sitting on the edge of Percy's bed. Percy felt the dip and tried to scotch further away.

"I didn't mean to kiss you! I'm sorry!" Percy exclaimed. Oliver dropped his head.

"So it was just an accident?" He asked.

"Yes!" Percy cried out.

"Oh. There was no feelings behind it? I didn't see you as someone who'd randomly kiss someone." Oliver said in a disappointed tone. Percy could hear the disappointment in Oliver's voice.

"I don't go around doing that! That was my first kiss!" Percy defended, his face hotter than Venus in the morning. Oliver picked up his head and looked at the lump that was Percy.

"That's why you're acting out of character?" Oliver questioned. Oliver payed down next to Percy and wrapped his arms around him, even though the blanket prevented any really contact.

"Of course that's not just it." Percy sighed softly, leaning into Oliver.

"Then why are y u hiding from me?" He whispered next to Percy's ear.

"I-" Percy stopped, not sure what to say.

"Come on, I'm listening." Oliver soothed.

"You're acting out of character yourself." Percy laughed softly.

"Can you blame me? Percy, come on, talk to me." Oliver begged.

"I like you okay! No... I love you. I know you probably don't feel the same, but he can't help falling in love with you. Your ambition, your pride, and your love for the things you do. Too bad that Quidditch seems to be your main priority." Percy laughed dryly.

"You're wrong about that Percy. My main priority will always be you and all my friends, because I care about you." Oliver smiled. "Look at me Percy." Percy hesitated, than sat up, the blanket still wrapped around him. Oliver sat up too and turned Percy around, pulling the blanket off of him. "Percy, you're an idiot."

Oliver pressed his lips to Percy's, surprising the poor ginger. Percy fell back and accidentally took Oliver with him. Instead of just sitting, Percy was against the wall and Oliver hand on hand on the wall and one hand cupping Percy's cheek.

"O-Oliver!" Percy blushed again.

"I love you too Percy. Think I feel for ya re minute I laid eyes on you. You're focused, you're smart, and you're definitely beautiful." Oliver grinned ear to ear.

"Why do you only talk about quidditch then?" Percy asked.

"It's hard to find anything to talk about. I know that, we're pretty different people with different lives, but still, I fell for you and tried desperately to find some common ground." Oliver sighed.

"You idiot." Percy laughed happily and kissed Oliver again, wrapping his arms around Oliver's neck, pulling him towards himself. Oliver happily kissed back, holding Percy as close as he could.

"My gay senses are tingling." Harry muttered.

"What?" Ron questioned.

"Percy and Oliver are being Gay somewhere." Harry informed.

"What!?" Ron exclaimed.

"Draco and I have a bet to see when they get together." Harry informed.

"Since when have you started calling Malfoy by his first name?" Ron asked curiously. Harry paused, then quickly threw on his invisibility cloak and rushed out of the room.

"I knew it, everyone around me is gay." Ron yawned and went to sleep.


A/N: I love the fluff of this ship! I love it! Keep requesting ships you want to see! Some might take some time. I apologize. Right now I'm dealing with a psycho bitch at my school who is trying to turn my friends against me, so please cut me some slack if I can't post right away.

I love you guys and as always, I'll see you, in the next one shot!

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