A/N: How I Veiw The Wizarding World

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Many of you may know when I write Ron now, he's accepting of Harry being gay when I make Harry date a boy. I make the school okay with it. Well, that's not how I see it.

If you've read all of my one shots, you'll recall I used to make Ron an absolute ass when Harry came out, and idin't know if you noticed, but anyone that was raised in the muggle world, supported Harry, Luna and Neville too, but that's because they're not going to judge easily.

I view the wizarding world at that time to be very..... homophobic. Well, you need to know why I feel this way.

If you don't want to read this, go watch TheMischiefMangers's newest video which sums up what I feel the wizarding world would be like. But here's how I'll phrase it.

As we know, pure bloods care a lot about blood purity even going as far as to actively dehumanize and belittle Muggle-horns and half-bloods to a lesser extent.

So, why would pure bloods be okay with Homosexual relationships? They can't have kids?

To them, there's no point to it and so, they would actively, belittle and shame anyone who likes the same sex.

Don't believe they'd be like that? Reread the Harry Potter books and focus on any Pure Blood character and how they interact with people. Some to keep in mind, Ron Weasley(by as much with him)/Weasley's in general, especially Percy, even if I love him so much, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zanabi, Pansy Parkison and some others. A lot of them will be in Slytherin, but there are many in other houses. So watch those characters closely and not half bloods or muggle borns. Fuck it! Look at teachers! Some of them will In fact act differently towards a student because of Blood Status! Anyone remover Slugghorn? Remember what he said about Lily?

Anyways, if you want to know how I interpret characters , I can tell you a lot.

The Weasley's: kind people, but sometimes go to far.

Ron: A quick acting, rash character who doesn't think things through, ever. I also see him as a character who is generally straight.

Ginny: Fuck you. Fuuuuuuck you. I mean, if you love her, that's fine, but she is so bitchy that it annoys me. SHE DATED DEAN TO MAKE HARRY FUCKING JEALOUS AND THEN AFTER SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM SHE IMMEDIATELY GOT TOGETHER WOTH HARRY!!! You do not understand why I dislike her so... I try to make her nicer in my one shots. I see her as being bisexual, leaning more to Men.

Fred&George: what? It's obvious, fun guys who like to joke around.

Percy: prat. An adorable prat, confused prat, who doesn't quite understand everything, even if he thinks he does. I see him as bisexual.

Bill & Charlie: supportive brothers

Molly and Arthur: Fuckin love 'em.

Draco Malfoy: a scared kid who is forced to live up to the pressures his name and status put on him. I see him as being gay, all the way. 100% gay. A kid who had everything to lose if he goes against his parents wishes.

Harry Potter: a character who has always been an outsider and doesn't really have much to lose by being himself. Maybe the Weasley's, but he has less to lose. I see him as being bisexual.

Hermione Granger: being discriminated against so often, I see her being the most understanding of everyone and quickest to accept change. She thinks things through. She's straight in my book.

I would do more, but for the most part, everyone else doesn't play as big of part in the Harry Potter universe. But that's how I see it.

So if you get mad at me for portraying a character a certain way, fuck you. Okay? I'm not doing it to be a prick, I'm doing it because that's how they would react.

Seriously, it's like people haven't read the books! The books are better than the movies people and easily support a lot of what I'm telling you. The sexual preferences can even be supported. I'm not even kidding you. Percy may be an exception, but other than that, a lot of what I'm telling you is founded on what J.K. Rowling Fucking wrote, so fuck you.

Anyways, thought I'd clear that up because people will always complain if me, or literally any other author writes characters a certain way. It's not unfounded.

Read the fucking books!

Anyways, I'll be posting tomorrow hopefully, then I'll be in my way to NY for my birthday. Lucky me.

My mom somehow got us 2nd row seats to Wicked! On fucking broadway!!!!!

So I'll be gone until July 4th, but probably won't be able to post until July 5th. Thought I should warn ya. Oh, and if any of you want to chat with me, talk about my stories, I have a discord.

If you sign up and go to add friend, add


And I'll accept your request and add you too a public channel where you can ask me questions or just chat. Maybe play some games or two. Anyways, see you guys! Buh bye!

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