Draco x Harry ~ Everyone Loves Musicians! Part 2 (Au)

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A/N: What's up? I'm back! I feel terrible for making you wait a month for an update. So, here's part 2!


Harry arrived at his dorm where his friends say reading.

"So, I may have volunteered to be the lead singer for someone's band." Harry said upon entering.

"Of course you did. At least you can sing." Hermione rolled her eyes, her hair a wild mess.

"Who was the guy this time?" Ron questions, glancing up from his book.

"His name was Draco. He and his friend Savannah literally ran into me." Harry chuckled.

"Savannah? Oh, I know her! I got tickets to see her show tonight. Wait, I'm going to see you preform with them!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, they said they'd text me the address so I can go and practice with them." Harry informed. Harry's phone buzzed.

"Looks like we'll see you tonight." Ron waved goodbye to Harry who left the room, going to his car. He followed the address on the phone and reached a venue. He walked inside, the air thick and musty, imagine how terrible it will smell in here after 300 people are packed inside.

"Hey Harry!" Draco waved, sitting at a table by the stage.

"Oh, hey." Harry walked over, admiring Draco without him noticing.

"Ready to prove you can be a part of the Slytherins? That's the band name." Draco smiled.

"I believe I'm ready." Harry smiled, grinning ear to ear, a spark lighting up those brilliant green eyes.

"Come on stage Harry!" Savannah was on the stage now as she outstretched her hand. Harry grabbed it and she pulled him on stage.

"For someone so tiny, you're strong." Harry comments.

"I'm tiny and closer to hell." Savannah rolled her eyes.

"So this is the person replacing Ann?" A new voice asked. She wore bright red lipstick and had a crazy mess of curly hair.

"Katie, this is Harry. Harry, this is Katie, she plays keyboard." Savannah introduced.

"Hi." Harry smiled.

"Pansy, Blaise, turn the track on, we're going to see how well he sings!" Katie shouts backstage, handing Harry a microphone and pulling Savannah offstage.

"She's a bit insane like Savannah." Draco says with a shrug.

"I can see." Harry chuckled, the music for eye of the tiger playing. He prepared to sing a song that everyone knew so well.

"Rising up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

So many times it happens too fast
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Face to face, out in the heat
Hanging tough, staying hungry
They stack the odds still we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Rising up, straight to the top
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger
The eye of the tiger"

When the music ended, Draco smiled and clapped, and clapping was heard from backstage.

"Okay, you're in!" Savannah exclaimed. Harry smiled.

"Yeah, welcome to the band." Pansy giggled.

"I'm just glad I'm not the only guy." Blaise sighed. "Why is everyone white?"

"Blaise, shut up." Draco shouts.

"I was joking." Blaise rolled his eyes.

"Well, we have to practice with everyone now. So, let's go." Katie ordered, and everyone scrambled to their instruments.

After concert, or 6 hours later.......

The group sat on a beat up old couch backstage.

"They all seemed to love you." Blaise laughed, patting Harry on the back.

"Who wouldn't love him?" Savannah snickered.

"Thanks for helping us tonight. Here." Draco handed Harry a bottle of Butterbeer.

"This stuff is expensive, how do you afford it?" Harry questions.

"Draco has way to bloody much, the wanker." Katie laughed.

"I ordered to many by mistake, are we never going back to let me live it down!" Draco exclaimed.

"In your dreams pretty boy." Pansy giggled.

"So, Harry, what would you do if we offered you a permanent spot?" Savannah questions.

"I'd take it. Tonight was fun." Harry smiled kindly.

"Good, because you're permanent now. Ann isn't coming back, she joined a band called the Hufflepuffs." Blaise snorts.

"Their band has way to many happy and upbeat songs." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Guys, she's still our friend." Savannah reminded.

"I came here from the Gryffindors." Katie reminded as well.

"Yeah, people switch bands all the time, fitting into their style." Draco shrugged.

"Considering I'm probably going to be spending more time with you, why don't I eat to know you guys better?" Harry questions.

"Sure, I'm Savannah and I started the band, Katie joined afterwards and Draco become the manager. He brought us Pansy and Blaise, Katie brought Ann. We've been playing together for 2 years." Savannah informed.

"Everyone besides Draco is straight, well, Savannah won't tell us her sexuality, but anyways..." Katie laughed.

"We all love music, because who doesn't love music and musicians?" Pansy questions.

"We're just a bunch of random." Blaise laughed.

"What about you?" Draco questions Harry.

"Well, I'm Harry Potter. My best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. I'm gay, and I've been singing since I was 16. Love music and I'm a bit random too, I guess." Harry admitted.

"Well, sweet Merlin, another gay person!" Draco muttered under his breath. All of them drank their Butterbeer until they all had to go back to campus.

"See you around Harry." Savannah waved. Harry waved back and got into his car.

"So, you might have a chance with him after all." Savannah said positively.

"Maybe you're right." Draco sighed happily.

"I'm always right."


A/N: I'm going to try and update more. So, stay tuned.

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