We Are The Second Generation

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A/N: I'm doing the second generation now. If you want me to ship certain characters from generation 2, tell me. I know I said I wouldn't be able to post until Christmas, but I have some spare time. Anyways, to the story.


The first years stood together, waiting for their names to be called. There were promising students that year.

"Julia Longbottom?" A girl with blond hair and dazzling silver blue eyes walked nervously up to the stand.

When she sat down, a harsh voice whispered in her ear.

"Ah. Beyond a doubt, you are, RAVENCLAW!!!" The Ravenclaw table clapped and Julia ran to her table.

"Rose Weasley?" A red headed girl walked to the seat. She sat down and the hat didn't even need to be placed on her head.

"RAVENCLAW!!!" Rose sat next to Julia and the two girls waited for everyone else.

"Scorpius Malfoy?" A boy with slicked back blond hair and cold grey eyes sat on the seat. He was receiving a lot of glares. He did look exactly like his former death eater father. A cold voice suddenly whispered in his ear.

"Tough choice. You definitely are clever, just as that Weasley. I see ambition. I can tell your cunning. Let's see. SLYTHERIN!!!!!" His new table clapped and he went to sit down.

"Savannah Homan?" A girl with soft brown eyes and dirty blond hair walked up and sat down. Just like Rose, the hat never touched her head.

"SLYTHERIN!" Her table clapped and the girl sat down next to Scorpius.

"Ann Marie?" A girl with brown hair and brown eyes sits down.

"Hufflepuff!" The girl went to her happy table.

"Katie Reeves?" A girl with dark brown hair and harsh brown eyes sat down.

"GRYFFINDOR!!!" She sat down.

"Albus Potter?" Now the excitement bounced off the walls. A boy, with green eyes like emeralds, messy and unmanageable raven hair, and lightning scar free walked up. The hat was placed on his head.

"Well, what a fresh mind. You aren't an idiot as your brother or your father. You are brave, but yet too cowardly for Gryffindor. I have to say, you're quite cunning. I know where to place you. SLYTHERIN!!!!!" The hall was silent for about five seconds. Then, everyone at the Slytherin table clapped loudly. Albus walked over to the table and sat down.

More people were sorted into the houses. But the first few people, there was something about them. What is it?


A/N: Was this good? I'm sorry if you don't like the characters i added, but the story would've been a bit shorter than it already is if I didn't add them. Also, the character Julia is NoSuchThingAs_Normal she shall be playing the character as a child of Luna and Neville. I do not care if they didn't get married, I'm pretending they did. Good day.

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