That's not how you do it/You've gone soft N.R

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I know Natasha is probably going to be better than us at interrogation, but we would like to be able to teach her something right???? I was really in a dilemma whether to choose Nat teaching us or us teaching Nat.

"Hey Nick!" I just came back from a 3 day mission. SHIELD is currently in a period where things are busy but there's still space to breathe.

"Agent Y/L/N, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Nick?"

"Did you tell me that?" I faked confusion, trying to think. "Anyway, where's Nat? I didn't see her at the office."

"She's in the interrogation room. We just nabbed a new guy."

"Ouuu. Interrogation... I love interrogation." I bounced my head and walked away from Nick Fury.

"You can't get away from the mission report!" He shouted as I opened the door to leave.

Dang it! He caught me trying to sneak away.

"I wouldn't call it sneaking away." Maria spoke out of nowhere.

"Holy shit! Maria, where did you come from? And how did you read my mind?" I jumped at her presence. She gave me a look and remained silent. "Yeah don't answer. You'd probably say 'because I'm a level 8 agent.'"  I walked away and continued making my way to the interrogation room.

I waved for the security officer to leave and looked through the one-way mirror. Natasha is trying to buy the 'loyalty' of the guy she managed to capture.

"Look!" She slammed the table. "I know your company is supplying Hydra. All you have to do is tell me where and who." The guy sat there silently and shook his head. Nat walked over to the bag at the and took out a gold bar.

"This gold bar is made from Dubai, each one costs 500 thousands. Tell me what I want to know and you'll get it." Nat placed the gold bar on the table and made a clang sound from the weight of the bar.

"You think you can buy over my loyalty?" The guy finally spoke.

Nat took out another gold bar and placed it on the table. "1 million, is that enough?" The guy laughed and shook his head. Natasha continued to place gold bars on the table until there was 2.5 million worth of gold bars on the table. Even so, the guy refuses to cooperate. Finally I could not take it any longer and went into the interrogation room.

"Natttt, even with the tools, you still couldn't get him to speak? That's not how you do it." She turned over to look at me.

"I didn't know you were back."

"I just came back." I walked right next to her and gave her a quick kiss. "You've gone soft during the 3 days I left?" I questioned her. She gave me the side eye. I chuckled at her response, she's just so adorable.

"There's 2.5 million here, are you going to speak or not?" I took over the interrogation process.

"I'm not saying anything." The guy maintained his position.

"I am a busy person." I took away one gold bar. "2 million. Are you speaking?" He looked at me uneasy but still remained quiet. "1.5 million." The guy now visibly flustered and jumpy and taking my deal more seriously.

"1 million." Leaving two gold bars left on the table. His heart rate quickens as he tries to make quick decisions on where his loyalty should stand. "0.5 million."

"Wait wait wait stop," He held back my hand that was about to take away another gold bar. "I'll- I'll speak, I'll speak."

"Good, you should have done that earlier." I pat Natasha's shoulder and gave him back to her. "This is how you should have done it." I winked at her before heading back to the one-way mirror to wait for her to finish her interrogation. Instead of giving away 2.5 million worth of gold bars to him, now we only need to give 1 million worth.

I may not be as good as Natasha at fighting, but I am definitely at the top at interrogating and getting people to speak. I have to make up for lost strengths, otherwise, how am I going to stand next to Natasha? Getting to such a high level is not easy.

Finally, Nat finished talking to the guy and came to meet me. A smile automatically comes to my face as I see her. Dang, I really missed her for the last 3 days. I opened my arm and she sat on my lap.

"I missed you so much." Nat spoke softly.

"Yeah, I missed you too." I pulled her in for a hug since there was nobody around and we stayed there for a while before both of us had to submit reports.

Written on 9/9/2021
Posted on 13/9/2021

Inspired by The Devil Judge (Korean Drama)

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