Reaction N.R

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Your POV
I don't know why, but recently every time I enter Nat's room, I start to sneeze. It's really irritating because it makes me lose all my energy and Nat would get all worried thinking I was sick. Since I keep sneezing, I have a bunch of tissues laying around and a jug of water to replenish my fluids.

"Are you okay?" Nat turned around and asked.

"Yeah, I just don't know why I keep sneezing." I sniffed at the end of the sentence.

"Your eyes and nose are all red. You can't keep going on like this without knowing the reason. We are going to Bruce tomorrow."

"Okay..." I sneezed again. Even drinking liters and liters of water, my mouth still felt so dry. I had to go to the washroom repeatedly after drinking so much. Having to get out of bed so many times was really fun.

The next morning, before we got to training and work, I felt better after stepping out of Nat's room. I told Nat I didn't feel like visiting Bruce anymore but she insisted I went to see him. There was nothing I could do to stop the wrath of Nat so I obeyed her orders. Bruce placed a couple of stickers on my arm with a few possible allergen tests.

"We'll come back again tomorrow and see the results." Bruce placed a wrap around my arm so it's alright even if it gets wet.

Fury needed Natasha to be at SHIELD today, so I was training with Wanda instead.

"What happened to your arm?" She asked.

"I was sneezing a lot so Nat insisted I took an allergen test." I said while warming up on the treadmill.

"It just started?"

"Yeah... I don't know why."


While training with Wanda, I stopped sneezing and felt normal. I usually feel like this during the day. I was convinced that it was something in Nat's room that made me react like this. I was feeling energetic when I was out in the living room or dining room. So I decided to test my theory out. I went into Nat's room and stayed for a minute or two, and sure enough, I started sneezing again.

I went out and took Clarityn (idk what you guys take) to stop the sneezing while it was just the beginning before it gets blown up. I was sitting on the couch with my box of tissues, waiting for the pill to take effect.

"Are you sneezing again?" Nat came back from her work at SHIELD.

"Yeah..." I sniffed and hugged my box of tissue closer. "I think I know why I keep sneezing when I enter your room."

"Why is that?" Nat sat on the couch and placed my head on her lap.

"But it's something that helps you." I didn't really want to tell Nat why.

"Something that helps me?" She stroked my head.

"It's your lavender."

"I can throw it out." Nat said without giving it a second thought.

"But it helps you sleep." I looked up at her.

"You help me sleep. I can't sleep well knowing you'll be sneezing each time." She tapped my shoulder, indicating to me to sit up. Nat left the living room and came back with her bottle of lavender, showing me that she dumped it in the trash.

"I'll do anything for you."

"Thanks Nat, I love you.'

"Love you too."

Written on 10 Oct 2021
Posted on 22 Jan 2022

When I start to sneeze in the morning, it's a bad sign. I literally have to pray to my body to never do that during weekdays when I have to work.

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