Airplane S.J

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Your POV
"Mama!!! I scared!" I clung onto my mom. We were spending our day on the beach and mom was planning to introduce me to the planes. I used her bigger hands to cover my ears as another plane flew above our heads and land on the airport behind us.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, sweetheart." She made me look at her with my tear filled eyes as it went quiet again. I whined and snuggled into her chest, wanting to get out of here. Mom tapped my back and I looked at her.

"I'll teach you a trick. Look at the small dot over there?" Scarlett pointed to the airplane that was approaching the landing strip. "When the plane comes, we are going to scream as loud as we can."

The engine of the plane was getting louder and louder and mom clasped my hand so that I couldn't cover my ears. I was shy and didn't dare to scream so I just opened my mouth and acted as if I was screaming. I looked at mom and she was full on screaming, making up for the lack of my participation.

"Oh come on, you can't make me scream on my own." Mom poked my sides and tickled me. I fell to my back and started squirming and laughing hysterically. "Mama stop! Please! Mama!"

"See? Just scream as loud as you laughed earlier."

"Okay..." We waited for the next plane and got ready as it flew closer to us.

"Ready?" I nodded. Once I heard mom screaming, I closed my eyes and screamed as loud as I could.

"See? It's not that scary is it?"

"No." I fell into her arms and giggled.

"You are so adorable." Mom pinched my cheeks and laid me on top of her, planting kisses all over my face.

I scrunched my nose and gave her the biggest kiss.

Written on 3 Nov 2021
Posted on 31 March 2022

A genuine question: Do you address your parents as mum/mummy or dad/daddy.

Because from where I grew up I call them mummy and daddy but when I refer to them when talking to someone else, I call them mother and father.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now