Blushing N.R

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Your POV
I had been feeling under the weather the past few days, so I was stuck in my room to prevent the spread of germs and viruses. Can't have them falling sick because of me. Steve was usually the one who brought food up for me seeing how he was the least likely to fall sick.

I was feeling a little better so for the first time in a week, I finally stepped out of my room still wrapped up in my blanket. I have no idea where the Avengers were since I was stuck in my room and haven't been able to attend any meetings.

I browsed through the TV and finally settled on Harry Potter.

"You're feeling better?" I turned my head to see Nat getting a drink from the kitchen.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not constantly coughing."

Nat came closer to check my temperature and placed her hand on my forehead and placed another on hers.

"Well, it seems like you no longer have a fever, but your face is a bit red so you should still be careful."

No no no, my face is red not because of my illness but because you're so close to me.

"I see you're watching Harry Potter, mind if I join?" I didn't trust my voice so I shook my head and scooted over. Halfway through the film I was getting sleepy, I guess I haven't completely recovered yet.

Natasha pulled me closer to her and I looked at her with my drowsy eyes. "It's alright. You can rest. You need to rest." I closed my eyes and finally let sleep consume me.

The next time I opened my eyes, the team was back from whatever mission they were on and were sitting in the living room as well. I darted up and the sudden movement caused everyone to look at me.

"You looked cosy with Natasha." Tony remarked. "You two a thing?"

"What?" My voice was a little croaky. Just as I said that, a bottle of water went flying to his face.

"Are you feeling better, Y/N?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I should be back tomorrow. I'm going to head back to my room now." I picked up my blanket and left the team. I took the last strip of my pills before heading to sleep again. I slept and slept for the whole week, yet somehow sleeping only makes me feel more tired.

>next morning<

"Good morning!" I greeted the team at the table. I was determined to start this day energetically and only head up from there.

"Nice to see you back with energy." Wanda said as she passed me a plate of pancakes. I smiled kindly as I received the plate from her. If it was from the guys, I would have to think twice before accepting the plate.

"I missed your voice." I turned around, it was Natasha who said it.


What did she mean? Didn't I talk yesterday?

I went for some training to start the day, beginning with some cardio. Being trapped in my room had made my stamina weaker. After running 3 miles, I was out of breath when usually I am able to run 5. It's funny how not exercising for one week has set me back so far.

"Thanks." I took the towel that someone handed to me. "Nat?" Once again she was standing so close to me that my legs turned jelly.

"Careful." She scooped under my arms and helped me to the bench. As if my heart wasn't beating fast enough already, I'm pretty sure my heart was beating as fast as a F1 racing car by now. "You can't push yourself too hard when you've just recovered."

"Why do you care so much about me?"

"I like you."

"Well thanks."

"No, I mean l like like you." She lifted my chin. Even in this situation, she's in control.

"You like me? But I am so plain..."

"With me, your life will never be dull again."

"Can we keep it a secret? I like sneaking around." She bent down seductively and kissed me on the lips while still holding my chin. "I'll take that as a yes?" She proceeded to kiss my cheeks.

"A definite yes."

Written on 31 Oct 2021
Posted on 20 March 2022

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