Stay behind N.R

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Your POV
This instructor is so biased. She always makes me stay behind and gives me extra work to do. I'm not the worst in the class, why do I have to be treated like this? The worse thing was, she was not only my instructor for my course, she was also my instructor for training. Just what luck do I have!

I requested for transfer, but Fury wouldn't let me, saying there wasn't any free slot left. Bullshit, others get transferred around all the time, but when I request for it, there isn't any slot.

"Agent Y/L/N, stay behind after this please."

"Yes Agent Romanoff." I could hear the rest of the class laughing at me each time I was called back. I sighed and slammed my head on the book, what is going to ask me to do now? Other agents kept calling me names because I was always held back. I would be lying if I said I'm having a great time here.

After everyone left, not before a few of them wacking the back of my head on the way out, I made my way to the front of the lecture room. "You wish to see me Agent Romanoff?"

"Yes, that's right. Fury has requested an exchange with the team in the UK. He asked me to select a few other agents to go along with me."

"Got it, Agent Romanoff, when is the estimated leaving date?"


My eyes darted to hers, if she wanted to see me panic, she isn't getting it. "Got it, Agent Romanoff." I waited for a moment and since she didn't continue, I turned around and left.

I'm pretty sure she waited till this day to inform me. Telling me at the last minute and seeing if I broke down. Is this a test? She wanted to continue bullying me even in the UK, making me her pet. Can't she give me a break? Since when did I offend her?

Packing wasn't difficult, I didn't have much to pack since we would be wearing uniforms, all I did was pack a couple of night clothes.


As one would expect from an exchange, things were majorly the same. Except the one good point where the instructor here was way better and I don't have the constant look of the other agents sneering at the back of my head, apart from the few who were selected to join as well.

We were on our last day here and it was a free day before we had to leave. The others went out with their friends. I had places I wanted to visit but just knowing Agent Romanoff is in the same country with me ticks me off that all mood has vanished. I locked myself in my room and started packing. I had way more luggage to bring back then when I arrived in the UK.

Of course one of the agents spent way too much time shopping when she was out and didn't think about how much space she had in her luggage. Everyone was waiting for her as she tried stuffing her clothes and things she bought in her small luggage.

"Can't you just spare me some space, Agent Y/L/N?" She huffed and got up. No matter how she tried, there was always still some left to pack.

"I already said no!" Suddenly another agent snatched my bag and zipped open up my luggage without my permission. "Hey!"

Everyone went silent when they saw the contents of my luggage. I pushed him out of the way and zipped my luggage back. "Yeah, in case you forgot, the instructor gave us lecture notes which you guys turned a blind eye to and I had to take it up."

"That's enough agents. Just hold whatever you can and get in the jet." Agent Romanoff rushed us, her patience as thin as a sheet of paper. Her 'friends' had no choice but to help her and hold whatever they could in their hands or between their arms. Everyone treats me as if I'm here as the maid.

Someone should install windows in the quinjet, there was no place to look as we flew back to SHIELD and the tension was high, everyone looked at me as if they were going to chop my head off. I can't wait to be the one piloting the quinjet so I could send them straight into the waters.


Things got worse and worse and I stopped paying attention to the lecture. Maybe I should quit, does SHIELD allow people to quit. I don't think this is a job, people can ever truly quit.

"Agent Y/L/N! Agent Y/L/N!" I stood up in a hurry and Agent Romanoff was looking at me directly. "You haven't been paying attention."

"Sorry, Agent Romanoff."

"Stay behind after this." She said sternly. I slumped on my seat, resting my head on my fist as I lost all motivation to follow the course. I didn't even realise the lesson was over and everyone had left until she stood in front of me.

"You are distracted these few days."

"Can I do anything to help you, Agent Romanoff?" My speech was still professional but my posture was absolute shit.

"You are the one who needs help. You changed so much." I hummed as a reply.

"I just want to help."

"I don't want your help, just leave me alone and find another pet." I slammed my laptop and walked out of the lecture room. I stopped attending her course and relied on whatever I have for the last examination. Maybe if I fail this, Fury will have an excuse to fire me.

Written on 15 Nov 2021
Posted on 17 May 2022

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