Nerf guns pt2 N.R

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Your POV
"Agent Romanoff" I said, coming out of the shadows, pointing my gun at her. I was standing on the second floor, looking down at her.

Natasha snapped her head. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"For an ex-assassin, you are rather clueless." I started going down the stairs, gun still pointed at her.

"I was hoping to be told differently." The both of us were pointing guns at each other. "Why are you doing this?"

"You should know Romanoff. For a mission." The both of us started fighting for each other's guns, trying to disarm the other party, none of us actually pulling the trigger. The both of us ended up exchanging guns after a series of fights.

"Why aren't you pulling the trigger?" Romanoff asked. "Aren't I your mission?"

"Just having some fun before I kill you." I shrugged my shoulders.

Natasha POV
"Then I'm sorry to spoil your fun." I pointed the gun on my head and pulled the trigger. I could feel the pain and liquid dripping down my face but I was still standing.

I heard Y/N laughing hysterically, clutching her stomach, swinging the gun in her other hand around. "You really think I'd give up my gun so easily? How many times do I have to tell you to check your gun Romanoff. You can't tell the difference in weight? You've lost touch."

I pulled the magazine out and it was filled with paint bullets.

"Jack must have done a good job with those bullets." She said.

"What are you going to do?"

"I told you, your playing ground has to be to your advantage." She raised her gun at me. "He threatened me. It's either me or you. I guess I don't love you as much as you did for me." I was willing to sacrifice myself for her but she isn't. It made no difference now, I was going to kill myself for her anyway.

"Did you ever love me?" I really wanted to know.

"I guess you'll never know."


Y/N dropped in front of me. I froze. It was not supposed to turn out this way. I was the one who was supposed to die.

When I realised what happened, I rushed and dropped next to her. Blood surrounded her body, but she still had a breath. "I'm sorry Nat."

"Nononono. Why did you do it?" She closed her eyes, not being able to reply. "Y/N!!!!" My heart wrenching scream echoed in the warehouse. I am going to kill the guy who caused this.

I saw a sticky note peeking out in her chest pocket. I wiped my tears and took it out.

I really love you Nat. I really do.
I'm sorry.

Y/N xx

Tears started staining the sticky note. "I love you too." I gave her one final kiss on the forehead before bringing her back.

Even until the end, she was one step ahead of me.

Written on 4/10/2021
Posted on 5/12/2021

I hope you realised we kept calling her Romanoff. Only at the end we called her Nat.

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