Stay behind pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
I couldn't believe my luck when Y/L/N was sorted into my lecture after I received the schedule from Maria.

She dated my sister and ended up breaking her heart which I would not allow anyone to do. If it was some random other person, things would be much easier. I could pose it as death by accident but when it comes to an agent from SHIELD, they're cause of death is much more scrutinized than the random civilians on streets.

So I decided to make her life worse than death itself.

I am aware of the bullying that was happening in my class but there's nothing that quite makes me want to intervene. Furthermore, this makes it easier for me since they are indirectly doing the job for me without knowing. Whatever happens is not my fault.

I've only heard of their relationship when they broke up. Yelena was down for a few weeks and I was worried about her when she didn't answer her phone. I found her in her house one day under a pile of blankets. We've hardly ever interacted with one another because we didn't really grow as siblings due to our past but that doesn't mean that I don't care about her.

I've seen pictures of her with Yelena, that's how I know I got the right person.

Your POV
I was lounging in my room since I wasn't going to lectures anymore. Surprisingly, Fury hasn't said anything so I'm guessing Romanoff hasn't reported anything to him. Suddenly, a ping from my phone made me look up and unplug my phone from the charger.


I'm near SHIELD today, want to hang out?

Sure, I have no lectures today
At the cafe, two streets down?

See you there.

Yelena and I were in a relationship about three, close to four years ago. It was a great relationship, there wasn't really any fault in it as we proceeded at a comfortable pace. We were friends before pursuing a relationship with the usual cliche meeting through a mutual friend. I had just finished with my University and was clueless which direction to go. I have a degree in Accountancy because it is a popular subject but I have absolutely no interest in it.

While hopping between part-time jobs, we went on dates together and it was really enjoyable. It was the first time I was in a relationship and it was really sweet, all the attention giving, time spent with just the both of us without a care in the world.

That was until I overheard that SHIELD was recruiting agents at a party. There weren't any posters or advertisements. It was meant to be recommendations only. I made sure I heard who was the one recommending so I could give his name. And with a stroke of luck, I managed to get in.

I know nothing of her family, like she did with mine. It was never a topic of conversation and neither of us brought it up. But I know she has a sister. She would say 'my sister and I' or 'my sister did this'. There were a couple of times she slipped the name, 'Nat' I believe but I've never seen her before.

I was sitting at the cafe by the window looking at people walking past while sipping on my tea when Yelena's sound appeared next to me.

"What are you looking at?" I jumped at my seat and placed a hand on my chest and released my breath.

"Nice to see you too."

"Yeah long time no see. How come you have time today?" She asked me as she took a seat in front of me and ordered her drink from the waitress.

"I'm planning on quitting."

"You can't do that! What a waste. Just another year and you'd be a full-fledged agent isn't it?" She squealed when she saw there's mac and cheese on the menu and added it to her order.

"But so what happens next? After I'm an agent, I still need to deal with the angry faces of people and answer to my boss. It's just a never ending cycle. I don't think I'm meant to be an agent." I confided. Yelena is a nice person to seek advice because she just tells you straight at your face without sugar coating things.

"It's the same everywhere, really. If you don't want to answer to anyone, you have to be your own boss. By then, you're not answering to your boss, you're answering to the investors and customers. Is that what you really want?"

I sighed and finished the rest of my tea. "Enough about me. Why are you near SHIELD today?"

"My sister works there. I thought I'd visit her for a bit. It's been some time since we last saw each other."

"No wonder you know so much about SHIELD."

"Who is your sister?"

"Natasha Romanoff. Not the same last name I know, but our family kinda consists of different families. My mum and dad also have different last names..." Honestly, I drowned out the rest of the sentence after hearing the name of my lecturer.

Her sister is my lecturer? Natasha? Nat? Oh my god, you gotta be kidding me. What are the chances? It doesn't matter right? We're no longer in a relationship anymore.

"Oh there she is." I was once again brought out of my trance with Yelena waving towards the door. I kept my head facing down instantly as I could hear my heart thumping in my ears. I'm not ready for this. This is all happening way too quickly! Why didn't Yelena tell me there was someone else coming? I was screaming internally, wishing I could just turn into thin air.

"Well, who do we have here?"

"This is Y/N, my friend." She introduced me.

"Hi, Miss Romanoff." I spoke as quietly as a mouse. I raised my head quickly and dropped back down once I greeted her. "I- I have to go." I stood up from my chair, taking my wallet and phone when Miss Romanoff pushed me back down.

"I know for sure you have nothing on. You're supposed to be in class. But seeing as you have been missing them for the past week, perhaps you really are busy."

"What? Do you know each other?" Yelena asked.

Miss Romanoff was glaring at me as if asking me to answer her question. "She's my lecturer." It was at that moment I was glad that I didn't specifically bad mouth anyone. I just said it was tough.

"But Nat, you know Y/N right? You've seen pictures of me with her."

"Yeah. I do." My eyes widened at her words, she didn't deny. I was in her class for almost a year and she didn't say anything about it.

"And you just kept nonchalant when the rest were pointing their fingers at me?" She remained silent and looked at me. "So this is your game huh?" She only smirked at me.

"Wait a minute, what's going on here? Why are you guys having a staring contest?" Yelena, who was sitting in between us, was surprised at the interaction.

"Your wonderful sister here." I pointed towards Romanoff. "Just watch as I was being bullied for a year. And I would like to know why." I was trying not to make a scene as we are in public but I can feel there were plenty of eyes on us.

"The reason is simple. You break my sister's heart, I break yours." She said without hesitation.

"Why didn't you just come directly to me?"

"I would have, if you were a regular citizen." I couldn't believe my ears at what she said.

I nodded my head and smiled. "So you want me gone, I got it. I got it."

Written on 18 May 2022
Posted on 20 May 2022


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