Date/Plan S.J

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Are you free on Thursday 7pm?

I should be. Why?

Because I am going to kidnap you!
Of course to bring you out on a date, dumbass.

Keep calling me that and you won't get your date.

So 7pm? I'll pick you up.

See you. x

I got ready to pick up Scarlett from her house. I parked right in front of her house and since I was early, I waited at her front porch. I was about 5 minutes early and I didn't dare to knock on her door. What if Scarlett is not ready? I don't want to rush her. I spent the 5 minutes scrolling through my phone, glancing at the time every minute.

Finally the 5 minutes passed and I took a deep breath before raising my hand to knock on her door. Why am I so nervous? This is not my first time asking her out on a date. Just as my hand was about to land on her door, the door swung open causing me to stumble.

"Woah. You don't have to fall for me each time." Scarlett chuckled.

"What?" I steadied myself.

"I saw you through the security camera that you were waiting outside my porch." Scarlett continued.

"And you let me wait there?"

"That's for calling me a dumbass."

"I said I was sorry." I pouted. I proceeded to look at what she's wearing, she looks good in everything but she looks gorgeous today. But there was one problem.

"I was planning to bring you on a walk. Are you sure you want to wear this?" I pointed to her heels.

"I felt like wearing it."

"Okay." I wasn't going to argue with her about it since I know she isn't going to change. "Let's go, I made a reservation." I opened the passenger side car door for her.

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered our food. I listened as Scarlett talked about her recent shoot. All the funny behind the scenes actions and how sometimes she would mess up her lines and could never get them right. What she did during her free time. How Chris Evans would always come to her trailer to bother her but she secretly enjoys it.

"He kind of keeps me up to date with social media." Suddenly she quiets down.


"How come you never tell me anything about you?"

I froze. "I don't think my company's imports and exports would be exciting for you."

"It does. I want to know everything about you." She held my hand.

"But I don't know how much I can tell you because of client's confidentiality." I paused. "But I can tell you how it frustrates me." I joked.

"Tell me."

I told her how some clients would take very long to reply with the documents I needed, but would complain when their order didn't reach on time. It's not my fault I can't process your order because you didn't give me the info I need. And when a client complains, my boss comes and finds me and I have to work overtime.

"Sounds like you have a tough job."

"Definitely not as fun as yours."

"You can follow me to set when you are free."

"If I have time." I got up and paid for the food before leaving together.

"So where are we going for a walk?" Scarlett asked.

"You'll know when we get there."

I brought Scarlett to an observatory tower. It was not a popular place so there was nobody around to bother us. I am glad today has a clear sky otherwise it would be a fluke to bring her here. We got to the top floor and enjoy the silence as I showed her the constellations.

"I thought you said we were going for a walk." Scarlett questioned at the scene that doesn't seem fit for a walk.

"Yeah, but you're wearing heels."

"Knowing you, you have other backup plans. What was it?"

I sighed. "I have a pair of spare shoes in my boot but it wouldn't match with what you are wearing."

"And this place?"

"I wanted to bring you to see the stars at a nearby hill but I detoured here instead."

I pointed to her the constellations, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini and Orion. I didn't manage to identify all of them so I only showed her those that I know. The announcement sounded that they were closing the observatory and we had to leave. I packed up and drove Scarlett back to her house.

"Do you want to stay over?" Scarlett asked as I dropped her off at her house.

"Scarlett..." I looked at her.

"You're leaving again. You never ask me on a date unless you are leaving."

"I'm sorry."

"How long?" She questioned.

"Three months." I answered.

"I thought being an actress has to travel around a lot. I didn't think importing and exporting meant travelling overseas too."

"I love you, you know that right?" I paused. "And because of that, I'm going to stay. I'm going to ask my friend to send me my luggage at the airport tomorrow."

"Really?" Scarlett brightens up her face. I nodded my head.

"I always have a backup plan."

Written on 26/9/2021
Posted on 14/11/2021

I may write a part 2 about coming back from work but we'll see.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now