Professor Romanoff N.R

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Your POV
For our final year, everyone was required to take language as a secondary course. Me being the last minute ass that I am, left it to the last minute to decide and input my choice. Everyone had filled up the popular languages such as French, Spanish, German and Latin, leaving only one choice for me, Russian.

In the beginning when Russian was first introduced in school, everyone swamped to attend because of how hot the teacher was. Slowly, when they realised she was strict and gave no leniency, the participation rate dropped. The only remaining few either already knew Russian or were absolute nerds.

Before I entered college, the seniors I knew told me to be aware of her and that she's not one to be messed with. There were a lot of rumours circulating around her. She was notorious for making your life a living hell just because of one small mistake. She was like the predator who never let go of her prey's tail once she bit onto it.

"I did remind you to choose early." Wanda, who was my roommate, said. She managed to get into the French course which everyone wanted to get into. They had pre-admission exercises to complete before they were allowed to enter.

"I know... I know..." I was busy playing Call of Duty to care about the application deadline. It was easy to get into the Russian course since there were only a few applicants. It was probably time to buck up since I don't know a single Russian word and it would be good if the teacher was this strict.

"You better go to sleep. Your class starts in the morning." Wanda advised. She has always been organised and I'm glad she's my roommate, the amount of times I have avoided being late thanks to her was uncountable.

"Got it..." I was finishing up my last round of COD in bed.

"Wake up!" I felt someone shaking me. "You're late. You should have been out by now!"

"Huh? What? I didn't hear the alarm!" I got up in shock. I quickly washed myself and scrambled for my things and placed them in my bag before dashing out.

I opened the lecture hall and everyone looked at me. Before I was able to say anything. "Y/N is it? Stay back after class." Professor Hill was standing at the bottom of the theatre. Great, this is going well.

"Yes, Professor Hill." I silently took my seat and took out my textbook, data analytics

First day, first class of the semester and it's already going downhill. It's like a foreshadowing.

At the end of the class, I went to the front of the lecture theatre to meet Professor Hill. "Since you're late today, you'll be presenting this set of data tomorrow." She showed me the raw data on her laptop that needed to be sorted and analyzed into graphs and give a conclusion.

"Got it Professor Hill, sorry for being late." She nodded towards the door, signalling for me to leave to allow the next batch of class to enter.

I let out a sigh as I left the lecture hall, why do I feel this is going to be a tough semester ahead? I looked at my timetable that I set as my lockscreen. "Shit! I'm late for my next class." I groaned before starting to run again.

The whole day is filled with me running for my next class, whose great idea was it to build language in the next building? I was panting when I reached the Russian classroom. It was not a lecture hall due to its class size and it was located at the far end of the hall.

I ran into the room that was half filled, making an entrance once again. I pushed my messy hair back and kept bowing until I took a seat. "You're having detention after class." She spoke in a strict teacher's voice. There it was, the terror strikes on me. I am the chosen one for this year.

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