Pranked S.J

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Scarlett POV
I finally have the time off after the heavy filming schedule so I decided to have some fun with Y/N. I was going to prank her, it's just a light prank. I haven't got her back for scaring me with the clown costume. Without fail, she always gets decaf caramel macchiato. Even when she's tired, she never gets any caffeine.

I'm going to get her a normal caramel macchiato and see her expression when she realises there's caffeine in it. "Babe?" She said in a hoarse voice as she just woke up from her sleep since she's not a morning person.

"Yes honey?" I said in a straight face.

"Why weren't you in bed?" She sat next to me and whined. All four of her limbs were around me as she put her head on my shoulder. I love it when she goes all baby with me.

"I went to get you Starbucks." I passed her the drink.

"You left me for so long?" She whined even more.

"I'm sorryyyyy." She humped before drinking the coffee.

"Scarlett... What is this?" Her expression changed drastically.

"It's just coffee." She widens her eyes. Her hands went to her throat and ran back to her room. "Babe!" I followed after her. I saw her rummaging through her drawers in search of something. "Y/N! What are you looking for?" I started to get worried. 

She struggled to get her words through and I only heard the end of it. "...pen." Her face was getting pale as she finally found what she was looking for. She stuck it at her outer thigh and I heard a click. She lets it drop before sitting down in bed. I rushed to her side as she steadied her breathing and colour comes back to her face.

"What was that?" I questioned. She has never used that thing before in our entire relationship.

"EpiPen." She breathes.

"Why do you need that?"

She takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm allergic to caffeine." I gasped at the realization of what I just did. I could have cost her her life. How did I not know she was allergic? That's why she always orders decaf and never steals my drink.

"Are you okay?" I checked her around frantically.

She cupped my face and made me look at her. "I'm fine babe. I just didn't know where it was and if I still had an EpiPen since I hadn't used it for a long time."


"Not buts. It's not your fault. I didn't tell you I was allergic." She cuts me off. "But if you really feel bad, you can cuddle me now." She pulled my arms around her and became the little spoon. "I need to make up for the hours in the morning."

"I'm sorry." Still feeling guilty about what I did.

"Hmm, I'll accept it if you stop saying it." She moved closer to me and her entire back was lying on my front.

She may act like a baby but sure knows how to make me feel better and follow her orders.

Written on 13/9/2021
Posted on 14/10/2021

Inspired by Her Private Life (Korean Drama). Are we even surprised at this point? I just remembered the scene suddenly and wanted to write about it. It's only a tiny part of the drama.  I also want to add that you should see medical attention if you do have an allergic reaction.

I kinda like this chapter. 

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