Game day N.R

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You and Natasha have a house separate from the tower.

Natasha POV
I seldom make wrong decisions, in fact, I never do. But I made the wrong decision by allowing Y/N to get Xbox to play with the boys. She has been pestering me to get her a Xbox and I finally caved, but oh do I regret it.

Friday was game day where they get to play, but I didn't think game day meant the entire day and not only the night. She's on her Xbox playing games by herself from morning till afternoon until the boys joined in the evening.

I've been trying to get her attention but she wouldn't budge, not even to eat. All she would have were some quick snacks where she could take a bite and put it down quickly and get back to her game.

I've been enduring this for a few weeks and this was getting on my nerves. I would sit next to her and waved my hands in front of her screen at times and she would turn to face me and scrunched her face before turning back again. I would tug at the seam of her clothes but she would just put an arm around me while still playing with her controller.

"Tony! You're supposed to be watching my six!" She shouted through her microphone.

"But I need to grab ammo!" Tony replied.

This continued on for a few minutes and I wasn't getting any attention from her. "Baby..."

"It's game day Nat." She replied bluntly.

I scoffed. Did she forget who was the one who bought her the Xbox? It wasn't even Tony, it was me. How dare she speak to me like this. I got out of her arm and went to the breaker which connected all the electricity in the house.

I picked the right one and flipped the switch, cutting the electricity that was connected to the TV she was playing on.

"What happened? Why is my screen blank?" I could hear Y/N smashing the buttons trying to make it work. "Nat!!!" I heard her shout from the living room she was in.

"Yes baby?" I sauntered back into the living room.

"Why is the screen blank?" Look at her, turning to me for help.

"I don't know babe." I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe the wire tripped."

"But the lights are working fine." I shook my head and went back to our room.

Your POV
I don't understand, everything was working except the TV. I checked the wifi using my phone and it was working. It was just the TV. I couldn't believe I abandoned the game halfway. I texted Tony that my TV was not working and I couldn't get it to start. I left my controller at the TV console before heading back to bed since there was nothing to do.

When I got back, Nat was already lying in bed. "Nat..." I went to hug her but she pushed me away.

"Go away. Today is alone day." 

And it finally clicked, Nat was the one who shut off the TV and she knows I don't know which switch it was to turn it back on. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I kneeled on the bed.

"No. You can go out. I would like to have the bed to myself today." Nat said with her back facing me.

"But there's only one bed in this house!"

"You can figure it out yourself." Nat said and pulled the covers closer to her.

I sighed and turned off the lights before leaving the room. "Goodnight Nat." I heard mumbling from her as I closed the door.

The adrenaline rush from the game left me a long time ago but I was still unable to fall asleep. I groaned and grabbed the thickest Harry Potter book to read from our small bookshelf.

Natasha POV
I managed to sleep for a few hours. In my slumber, I felt around the bed for Y/N only to sit up and remember that I chased her out.

I sighed and got out of bed to find her but she was not on the couch, the only other place she could have slept. Did she really leave the house?

"You came down to find me?" I snapped my head to her voice to see her sitting on the kitchen tabletop, reading her book with her glasses on. She's so beautiful but with glasses on, she looks so sexy and intellectual.

"Why are you sitting on the kitchen top?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "You didn't answer my question." She said while pushing up her glasses on her face. That little action just turned me on and she doesn't even know.

"It's past midnight so I came to get you."

She snapped her book close and hopped off the counter. "You look so fucking hot with your glasses." I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"It's much more troublesome than you think."

"Ohh but it's no trouble for me." I smirked and carried her up to our room.

Written on 20 Oct 2021
Posted on 15 Feb 2022

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