Date/Plan pt3 S.J

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Scarlett POV
Despite saying I make her spontaneous, it didn't seem like it. The only spontaneous part was booking the flight ticket for tomorrow. Within the same day, she had already managed to plan ahead what she wanted to check off the list while we were in Japan.

"You want to add anything to the list? Anything you wish to see?" Y/N tilted her head back to  ask me. I shook my head in reply as I sat at the living room while she was at the dining table typing away on her laptop.

"I thought you said spontaneous? This isn't spontaneous."

"It is for me. I didn't even make reservations or anything. I am just listing where we like to visit. So we don't waste any time."

We booked a morning flight so we would reach Japan in the morning. So, in order to fight jet lag, we were planning to stay up the night and sleep on the plane.
(If I calculated correctly. It was a whole mess thinking about it. If I'm wrong, just go with it.)

It was not easy staying up the night , but leaving the luggage for last helped a lot. Lots of laughter and giggles were heard as we tried picking out each other's outfit and blasting music in the room. Mainly choosing from my closet since Y/N hasn't moved in yet. The room was in a mess by the time we were done messing around. Clothes were everywhere, on the floor, on the bed and on the door handle.

We booked a cab ride to the airport in the morning, the adrenaline had died off and staying awake was much of a struggle. Thankfully, we only have a few hours left until we can sleep on the plane.

After checking in, we sat by the gates waiting for the plane to arrive. It wasn't a peak period for travelling so there weren't a lot of people around. Y/N was scrolling through her phone to keep her awake while leaning on my shoulders. I leaned on her head and did the same as well.

Once we got seated, it was sleep straight away. Y/N didn't waste a minute and went straight to sleep without hearing the announcement. I followed soon after the wheels left the runway.

Your POV
We were still high in the air between the clouds but I could see the skyscrapers as the country came into sight.

Scarlett was still sleeping soundly next to me so I blew softly at her face to move her hair off her face. Her nose scrunched up slightly before moving in her seat. I love seeing her so carefree. It's about two hours left before our feet get to touch the ground.

"Scarlett." I shook her slightly. "We are about to land." I thought it would be nice if she could enjoy the view from above as well. She leaned over my body to get a better view since I was sitting at the window seat.


>time skip this is getting too long<

"Let's go!" I pumped my fist in the air and dragged Scarlett along after checking into the hotel and placing our luggages there. The first stop was food. There were inflight meals but how can it compare to local delicacies?

Both of us shared a bowl of ramen so we could try more options. Our faces were touching as we slurped the noodles and moaned at the exquisite taste. The gyozas were so juicy and crispy as we took a bit of it.

The highlight of the day was when we got on a night cruise around the lake, seeing different lights illuminating the city. Japan is popular for their neon lights and the way they have big billboards around the city. We sat at the front of the boat, letting the cold air blow across our faces as we were in each other's arms.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow." Scarlett said as I opened the door of our hotel room.

"It'll be the best day of your life. Hopefully." I whispered the last part and gave Scarlett a kiss.

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