Mother's day S.J

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As I get older, it gets harder for me to express my thoughts and emotions without feeling the judgement from people. They may be feeling a positive feeling but a judgement is a judgement nonetheless.

How I wish I am like Rose, speaking without a care in the world. Surely I was once like this when I was younger, carefree, naive and innocent.

This morning, mum came into my room to wake Rose up because she decided to sleep with me the day before since it is the weekend. "Rose, it's time to wake up." Mum cooed as she stroked Rose's cheek. I was already awake when mum came into the room as I heard her footsteps and door open.

"Do you want breakfast?" She tried to 'bribe' Rose and it made her stir a little.

"I can take it from here mum." I told her while still having Rose in my arms. She kissed Rose and my forehead before leaving.

"Rose... are you not going to give mum your present you prepared?" I whispered in her ears, knowing she's awake and can hear me. She instantly sat up with light in her eyes.

"I almost forgot!"

"Alright, go brush your teeth and get ready." I placed her carefully on the floor and I took everything I needed and went into mum's room. Mum saw me coming out of her room with a confused face and I told her that I went to use her bathroom since Rose was in mine.

She nodded before proceeding to find Rose while I went down to have my breakfast first. I guess Rose was still giving mum a hard time as I heard laughter coming from upstairs from the tickle monster. The sound traveled down to the kitchen where mum was carrying Rose on her hip.

She placed Rose next to me before standing across the table and giving the plate of waffles to Rose. Seeing as she didn't bring her present down, I assumed that she didn't give mum her present yet.

Scarlett POV
I already had my breakfast so I'm just drinking my coffee as I stood there and watched my two beautiful ladies eat. Rose was gobbling up whatever was on her plate while Y/N was sighing with each bite. The day had just started, what's causing her to be this sad?

Rose jumped out of her seat saying. "Wait here! I have something to give you."

When Rose ran away, I took this opportunity to speak to Y/N who was only about to finish her breakfast even though she came down first. "Y/N, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. I never had this long of a holiday for so long." She shrugged it off before placing hers and Rose's plate in the sink.

"Mummy, come!" Rose came and pulled my arm and dragged me to the couch. I obliged and followed her. "What is it, Princess Rose?"

"Your Mother's Day present!" She announced before showing me the drawing she made proudly in front of her. Her artistic talent has increased significantly after noticing more around her, her drawing was a lot more detailed.

I took it from her and she came to sit on my lap. "This is mummy, daddy and Y/N and me!" She excitedly pointed to each of the details in the drawing.

"It's very nice! Do you want to go and stick it on the fridge?" She immediately hopped off me and ran to the kitchen.

The rest of the day was spent with Rose tending to all my needs but Y/N was nowhere to be seen. Rose insisted that I do not lift a finger that day and she was going to help me. Of course, I didn't request anything and just asked for her to cuddle with me and watch a movie. She wasn't really ready yet to do anything much.

She wanted us to go out but there wasn't really much she could have helped.

Even when it came to lunch and dinner, she wouldn't allow me to cook or use my phone to order food.

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