Coincidence S.J

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Your POV
I was not paying attention to where I was going when I bumped into someone and clumsily dropped my phone that I purchased last week.


"I'm sorry." I heard the lady say. I bent down to pick up my phone and her wrist came into sight. Anyone would have recognised that tattoo of hers. "Are you going to check if your phone is working?" I nodded and tried to turn it on, and thankfully it did.

"Yes, it's working. Sorry for bumping into you." I apologized.

"It's okay. We are both at fault. Are you... not going to look up?" Gosh... her voice was enough to make me flustered. I shook my head. I knew I was going to regret it but I just couldn't. Even if I did look up, I wouldn't be able to face her. I didn't have the guts to do it.

"See you around then." I heard her footsteps getting softer and softer. People around must think that I was crazy, looking at the ground not moving. But in my mind, my head was replaying what just happened on repeat. That was Scarlett Johansson wasn't it? I turned my head around to look, but of course, she was already gone.

I sighed. I could only imagine what happened if I looked up at her, it's not something I could do in reality. And it's not something I would tell anyone, it's something that I could only keep in my mind.

>time skip<

I was kicking a pebble, hands in my jacket as I walked down the street. There weren't a lot of people so I wasn't paying attention on the road. Someone came out from the shop but my foot was already halfway in the air. I had to twist my body to stop myself in order to prevent stepping onto the person's foot but my hands were unavailable in the pockets so I ended up falling onto the floor. Reminder to not put my hands in the pocket.

"Ouch..." I wasn't wearing any sleeves so I was sure I scraped myself.

"Are you okay?" The same voice again!

"Yeah. I'm okay." I got up to check my elbows and knees.

"You're not okay, you're bleeding." She's right. The scrap on my knee was a lot worse than the others.

"It's fine. I'll clean it up myself." It wasn't my first time getting hurt. In fact, it was on the same place and the same leg.

"I can't do that. I'm the reason you got hurt." She tried to reason and started pulling me to the closest pharmacy.

Scarlett purchased plasters and antiseptic before helping me with my wound. "It's going to sting a little." She took out the antiseptic wipes and dabbed them on my wound. "So you know who I am?" She started to have a conversation while her hands were busy.

"Scarlett Johansson."

"How did you know if you didn't look?"

"Everyone knows your tattoo and voice, it's one of a kind." I was still staring at her wrist.

I heard her chuckled. "Fair enough... I didn't think I would see you again."

"Y-yeah, same."

"Here. We're done." Scarlett finished pasting the plaster on my knee. "This is my number." Scarlett started writing her number on the box.

"Y-you're giving it to me?" I was bewildered, I'm just a random person she happened to meet twice.

"You seem different. I trust you." Scarlett packed everything in the bag and passed it to me.

"O-okay." The thing was I don't trust myself.

"I'll see you around. I hope to be able to see your face properly next time."

Next time... Does she stay in the same neighbourhood? Why do we keep bumping into each other? How did I not see her around before?

Written on 4/10/2021
Posted on 24/12/2021

This may or may not be the start of text messages one shot.

But it's true though, I can't look at the person's face, not even my teacher's. It took me about 2 years before I was comfortable enough to look at their faces when they were next to me.

I'm fine with looking at them from afar though, in fact, I would stare at them if I really liked the teacher (creepy, I know). I just need to find a reason to like the teacher, it helps/motivates me to do their homework.

I did scrap my knee when I was in school. I fell after picking up a coin and I never pick up any coin from the floor since. I tripped over nothing! I ended up buying mineral water from the canteen to clean my wound. I did put plaster (it was whole another ordeal getting it from the general office) but it was too wet to stick and recess was ending but lucky thing the bleeding stopped so I just left it alone.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now