Turtleneck N.R

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Your POV
"Avengers, this is your new recruit." Fury pointed at me. "Y/N Y/L/N." I nodded at everyone, stepping next to Fury.

"Aren't you hot?" Steve commented and everyone raised an eyebrow at him. He wasn't the type to flirt with someone at first sight. He cleared his throat. "Let me rephrase myself. Your turtleneck, isn't it too hot? It's summer." Steve pointed towards his neck, talking about my outfit.

I shot him a kind smile and shook my head. "Well, then do you have any powers?" Tony questioned. I snapped my finger and teleported in front of him, choking him. "O-okay. Point taken." I snapped and teleported back to Fury.

"That's enough for the introduction, Romanoff, show her to her room." Natasha got up from her seat and led you to the level for bedrooms.

"I didn't think I'd see you again." Natasha said while we waited for the elevator to arrive. "Not after you disappeared."

I nodded again. "This is your room. This whole level is for the ladies." I placed my bag in the corner and looked around. "Training is 8 in the morning. See you then."

Natasha POV
When Fury showed her in, she was the last person I thought would show up. It's been years since I saw her, with a different relationship status. She hasn't spoken a single word since she came in. She wasn't like that when we were together, more of a chatterbox then.

Even when I was talking to her while showing her to her room, all she did was nod. Was she mad at me for leaving, for not finding her?

Days after days, Y/N still hasn't said a single word. All she did was make some noise to acknowledge that she was listening. At least I know she hasn't lost her voice. I decided I finally had enough and I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

"Are you seriously still wearing the turtleneck when you are training?" I asked as we stepped into the ring. "If you don't feel the heat, I do."

We started sparring and I was getting angry. "Why can't you just speak up?" I started punching harder and faster. "Speak up!" She grunted as I ended up punching her to the ground. I was fighting to get her turtleneck down to see what she's hiding but she kept resisting, even more than when we were sparring. She opened her mouth wanting to speak, but ended up closing it again.

"Just. Let. Me. See." I managed to get hold of the turtleneck and pulled it down. I thought that she was hiding some sort of choker that controls her power, not a scar that goes across the side of her neck.

"Are you happy now?" Y/N pushed me off and lifted up her turtleneck again before slamming the door behind her. Her voice was different, it's now much deeper than before .

Clint heard the door slamming and came to check things out. "You pushed her buttons, didn't you?" Someone with such patience of not talking wouldn't have slammed things.

"I saw what's underneath her turtleneck and more importantly, heard her voice." I stepped out of the ring and started packing my stuff.

"Don't push her too far."

Your POV
I slammed the door behind me and left the training room, I passed by Clint on the way back to my room.

I threw my head back in frustration. I knew I couldn't hide it from her for long. They were going to find out one way or the other.

Just then, my door flew open and Natasha walked in. This lady doesn't even know how to knock! "What happened?"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened." Natasha crossed her arms and sat on my bed.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I just want to know the truth."

"The truth? The truth... Well the TRUTH WAS I TRIED TO KILL MYSELF NAT!" I took a deep breath. "And of course I failed. I always fail."

"You're not a failure."

"Oh really?" I scoffed. "I failed to keep you next to me."

"I never stopped thinking about you." Nat stepped closer and pulled down my turtleneck again. "Is your throat okay?" She traced my scar with her fingers.

"It has definitely seen better days." My voice husked.

"Can we start over?" I asked.

"We never ended."

Written on 5/10/2021
Posted on 28/12/2021

25k reads and 1k votes guys!! 🥳🥳 That's a huge number! Thank you so much for reading🙏🙏.

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