Seeing red N.R

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I thought I would do something different since it's always the reader/Natasha just assuming that the opposite cheated on them, so why not trust them and save them for once?

Your POV
I was going over to find Natasha, she should be in her office at this time of day when I heard groaning and grunting from Steve's room which I thought was odd. He should be in the office too, who would be in his room?

I looked into his room and to my surprise, I saw Steve fucking my girlfriend. Rage went over my head and I burst open the door and pulled him off Natasha and punched him in the face. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?"

I slowly turned my head to Nat. "Did you consent to this?" Holding my breath as I waited for an answer. She shook her head as she pulled the cover closer to her.

"Y/N... wait." Steve started trying to explain.

I was boiling with anger as I stepped closer to him. My blood pressure was rising as I punched him in the face and he dropped to the floor. "You. Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit. How dare you!" I kept punching him repeatedly with each word until his face was disfigured. Even his super serum self would have a hard time repairing his body.

"Y/N stop! You're going to kill him." Natasha pulled me back as I tried to continue hitting him.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill him." I struggled against Natasha's grip on me as I tried to reach him. My chest rising up and down rapidly.

"Stop. He's not worth it. Please..." I stopped resisting and gave him one last kick before pulling Natasha with me out of his room.

I looked at Nat, not knowing what to say. Normally, I'm the one who needs comforting and now that the position is switched, I have no idea what to do or say. "I'm fine. I'm going to shower first okay?" I nodded my head and watched her enter the bathroom.

I was unable to keep still, biting my fingernails as I paced around. How could Steve do this? My rage had subsided but I could still feel the anger flowing through me. I had no idea Nat came out from her showers until she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Calm down... Calm down..."

I turned to face her, still shaking from anger. "How are you so strong?" She was the one who needed comforting, not me.

"Because I have you with me. You saved me. Things would have been different if you just walked away." She cupped my cheeks and made me look up at her since I was shorter.

"I couldn't." I spoke softly.

"That's why I love you."

I nodded. "Are you really okay? There's no way you'll be fine after that."

"I will be. We'll see how it goes. I know you'll be here with me."

She held my hand as we went back down to where everyone was. They were confused as to why Steve's face was bruised since he didn't go on a mission and was fine in the morning. I felt Nat squeezed my hand and I kissed her cheeks before walking over to Steve.

"If I ever see you within 5 meters of Nat. Not even Natasha can stop me from putting a bullet in your brain." I said seething with anger. After our interaction, anyone would have guessed that I was the cause of his injury.

I kept Nat close to me as we had our dinner and kept glaring at Steve who was sitting at the other side of the table.

"Are you okay?" I asked again as we were back in bed.

"... Traumatising."

"I'm sorry... was that..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Yeah. That was my first time."

"I should have saved you sooner." Feeling guilty that I couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm just glad that you didn't walk away, that you trusted me." Nat turned to her side to face me and I did the same.

"I really love you." I wouldn't be able to bear the thought of the possibility that she was going to leave me.

"I love you too."

Written on 23 Oct 2021
Posted on 27 Feb 2022

Should I continue with Natasha getting pregnant? I know she physically can't, but it's a fanfic. Let me know. :)

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