Nobody N.R

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You had a very bad childhood and abusive parents. They were more physical with you in your younger days and it slowly transcends into verbal. You couldn't get away because they would always cuff your legs to a pole while you endure their beatings. They were clever enough to only beat where you could cover. And mind you, they were rich, you had no idea why they would turn to you when they already have everything. You tried to confide in someone but they didn't believe you, so eventually you stopped trying.

The team thought Natasha was cold enough but when you came in, you were even more stoic than Natasha when she first joined. You didn't give a reaction when the team was making a joke. Only talking when needed to.

You moved into the tower because you once helped Tony win a legal case. You know, him and his many lawsuits. You know the Avengers but you hardly talked to them, only the passing hi and bye. Most of the time was spent in one of the empty office rooms because you needed a lot of space for your papers.

You had moved into the tower because your house lease was up and you had nowhere else to stay. Your parents are alive but you would never go to them, not after what they have done to you. They, however, are always asking for your help after getting into dirty business. You would help them, but not before charging a huge premium for your work.

Natasha has a little crush on you. When she has to leave for work, she always makes sure to take the long way to pass by your office to see you working. As the time you spend with the team is rare, any team activity with you in, she would definitely go. She would go as far as to ask you personally if you were attending. You enjoyed her presence so you almost always say yes.

One day, after a movie night that you attended, you went back to your room to sleep. But not without a nightmare. With everything your parents have done to you, they still had high expectations. Coming from a rich family, everyone expects their child to succeed and climb the social ladder. You can't escape the cuff even when you're studying. You tried to break out of the cuff but it only made your ankle bled.

Fire was your friend and your foe. Your parent's house caught on fire and the structures were falling everywhere. It managed to snap the pole you were tied to, allowing you to move, but still with the cuff on your legs. You're free to move so now what? Fire and smoke were everywhere, burning your lungs as you tried to breathe. You covered your nose and mouth and tried to find an escape route but a beam fell on your back. You screamed as you pushed yourself up. Time was running out. Your parents weren't going to put windows in your room so the only way out is through the door. You slammed your body against the door, hoping there isn't anything behind it. The door burst open, sending a heat wave towards you. You coughed as ashes went into your lungs. The blazing fire further obscured your vision as you tried to look for a way out. It was a maze trying to navigate your path as shelves fell on the ground and blocked your way.

Nat next door could hear your scream. Your nightmare was regular but it was never this bad, she could even hear you thrashing in bed. Nat opened the door and your bed was in a mess, your cover and pillows on the floor and you were kneeling in bed. Nat came close to you with her hands in front of her but you slapped it away.

"I just want to help." You continued to look at Nat with your blood shot eyes, panting heavily as you tried to hold yourself up. Nat touched your forehead and you stopped shaking. Nat's hand slowly made it's way down to your chin. Nat's face slowly inched forward and wrapped her lips in yours. "I want to help you because I love you."

"You- you love me?"

"I love you. That's why I always asked if you were attending team activities. I always take the long route down just to see you in your office. I never attend those events without you."

"But- but I am a child that nobody wants. Nobody cares. All they want is- is I don't even know... they just don't want me. I am nothing." You ran your hands through your hair and knees tucked close to you. Nat wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer.

"I want you. I'm going to protect you. You're not going to get hurt again." Nat assured you as she rubbed her hand along your arms. You shook your head. "Let's go back to sleep okay?" You allowed yourself to collapse onto Nat's body as you tried to sleep. Nat was still rubbing small circles on your arms until your breathing evens out.

The next morning you woke up in the same position and Natasha was already awake. "Good morning love." You hummed. "Are you feeling better?" You hummed again. "Let's shower and go down okay?" You nodded your head and followed Nat in. Nat grabbed a change of clothes for you and changed into yours as well. "Want to head down now?" She grabbed your hand.

"I love you too." You said out of nowhere.

"You love me or you love the ground." She teased you for looking at the ground.

"You. I love you." You faced her this time. She smiled and continued dragging you to the living room. Everyone was looking at the both of you as you walked in.

"What's wrong guys?"

"We didn't know cold and cold could get together. But I wonder if they make hot together?" Tony remarked.
(idk if you get it?)

"I went to find you Nat, but you were not in your room. FRIDAY told me where you were." Wanda continued.

"You guys better not do anything funny. She's mine now." Nat raised the hand that both of you had intertwined. Your face was nearly the same colour as Nat's hair. No one cared so much about you before. She gave you a kiss on the cheek before pulling you to the kitchen.

Written on 13/9/2021
Posted on 12/10/2021

Inspired loosely by The Devil Judge. Very loosely. I wanted to do something else but it just couldn't make sense in this context so I had to branch out. 

Decided to continue to post this today since I was feeling generous. This was supposed to come out instead of the previous two (Ignored) and I just felt like keeping on track. 

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