She'll come N.R

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Natasha POV
Y/N told me she was going to the park for a walk since she had nothing to do and I was still working. We had planned to have dinner out as she made reservations and she told me she'll be there waiting for me.

However, I have been waiting at the table for fifteen minutes but Y/N was nowhere to be seen. I tried calling her phone but she wasn't answering which was odd because I clearly saw her phone in her hand earlier when she was in my office. Fearing the worst, I tried tracking her phone and it was at the park she said she was going to.

I managed to find her phone lying on a patch of grass and no signs of her. I tried asking the people who were there if they saw her but they all shook their heads. How long has she been gone that people didn't see her around? Running back to the compound, I went to find Wanda immediately.

"Where's Y/N?" We asked each other at the same time. We looked at each other knowing what each other thought.

"I thought she went with you for dinner?"

"We were supposed to. She wasn't there after I waited for fifteen minutes."

"I thought I was just feeling things, I didn't think she really got taken." Wanda was visibly shaken after having her worries confirmed. She always has some sort of a sixth sense when it comes to her sibling's safety.

"Don't worry, we're going to get her back. Go find Pietro while I track where she is."

Your POV
I woke up with a pounding headache in a dim room. The first thing I noticed was that I was on a cold hard ground, not the comfortable and warm bed lying down with Natasha next to me. Instead, I was bound on my ankles and wrist with two guys in front of me. For some reason, I couldn't remember when this happened, was I out in the park? Or was I buying the groceries when I got kidnapped? How many days has it been?

"Finally our little girl has woken up. I told you you used too much." He nudged the guy next to him.

"Who are you guys? Hydra?" At first glanced they seemed very inexperienced, only having a bat in their hands.

"Hydra? Who's that?" He looked towards his partner who shrugged his shoulders. I could tell one was more vocal than the other. "Look here girl, we're here to earn some bucks. And if you don't bring us any, you're not going home." He did the usual smack of the bat with his other hand in his attempt to scare me.

"Natasha is going to come get me. And when she does, you guys are dead."

"The Black Widow? Who do you think you are? She's not going to rescue you." They mocked. They didn't know that Nat and I got married. This further confirmed that they were neither Hydra or the Red Room. Surely they would prefer if we had a relationship, it's always a leverage.

"She'll come. I know for sure." My head touched the floor as soon as I felt his hands on my face. So one guy is all talk no action while the other guy is all action no talk, got it. I tried to sit up the best I could with my limbs bound together while he handed the bat over to the other guy.

Before I could scoot to the wall, his bat landed on my shoulders and I grunted before falling to the ground again. My left shoulder is definitely dislocated as I can't feel anything on that side. His attack didn't stop as I tried to protect myself by facing my back against him.

"Give us the money before you leave it all behind." It was getting harder to breathe with all the bruising that was happening on my back. I feel like each movement aggravates it and it's growing each time.

"It's not happening." I choked out. I just have to endure all this until Nat comes. I just wished she would come a lot quicker.

After what seemed like a few hours but in reality a few minutes, I could finally hear a couple of footsteps running up the stairs. Two of them were too busy either beating me up or using their phone to notice the help that was coming.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now