Invisible love N.R

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You've never done anything special for your mother on Mother's Day before, partly because she insisted that she didn't want anything and partly because you also couldn't be bothered about it.

But this year you felt different, you wanted to do something for her. But you were starting to get anxious thinking you wouldn't do a good job or she wouldn't like it. There were so many things that could go wrong, what if she entered at a wrong time and saw you making a mess and ended up scolding you instead?

All the planning would be for nothing if you didn't start so you went to ask for help from Wanda. You knocked on her door early in the morning and apologized for waking her up early when she was resting.

Wanda was very onboard in helping you especially when it came to cooking. For her own sanity and your own, you told Wanda what you wanted to prepare for Natasha and she got to working in an instant. No one wants the kitchen to burn down on Mother's Day, that would really be the worst case scenario.

Now, it wasn't as if you didn't contribute at all, the day before, you went to the supermarket and brought all the ingredients you knew you needed in order to make breakfast for your mother. It's the thought that counts right? You still tried to help Wanda as best you could.

You were kind of surprised that your mother has yet to come down to interrupt once both of you were done with making breakfast. It was already past 9am and she was nowhere to be seen. After thanking Wanda over and over again, you placed everything on the tray and slowly made your way up, not wanting to spill anything.

As your hands were occupied, you knocked on your mum's door with your foot until she gave you the okay to enter.

Even though she wasn't down in the living room or the kitchen, she was already flipping through her documents in front of her desk. Next year, it was your mission to take the desk out from her bedroom, but you were sure she would have just worked on her bed either way.

"Umm, I made you breakfast, or more like Wanda did." You mumbled at the end and placed the tray at the empty space on her table once she moved a stack of her documents away.

"Thank you."

As she was eating, it was kind of weird watching her eat in silence as you munched on your breakfast so you blurted out. "Happy Mother's Day." She gave you a look before looking at the calendar.

"And here I was thinking why all the special treatment, I thought you were trying to get something out of me or you did something wrong." She smirked.

You placed a hand at your chest and gasped at her words. "Me? Doing something wrong? I'm offended."

"I'm sorry..." She said as she stroked your legs.

You huffed and turned your head to the side, deciding to play hard to get with your arms crossed in front of you. "Please? Angel?"

"You're lucky it's Mother's Day." You said as you took the empty plates and tray back down to wash.

"Wait." Mum called out as I was approaching the door. "What am I supposed to be doing?"

"Anything. I'll see where I can help appropriately. I don't want you to feel too out of place. Just do what you would normally do. Unless you want me to do something?"

She gave a moment to think before shaking her head. "Well, I'll be downstairs if you need me then. Don't work too hard." You reminded her. It was easier to open the door this time as you were able to balance the tray with one hand and open with the other.

Wanda just finished up her breakfast at the kitchen and you gave her a hug as thanks even though you've said thanks plenty of times. "So, how did it go?"

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