Branding N.R

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Your POV
The Avengers were having a camp in the woods, and only the old fashioned Steve Rogers would think to set camp in the middle of nowhere. Did he really think we were in the army, setting our tents in the woods?

"This is the hundredth time I've heard you sigh Y/N..." Natasha commented while hammering the nail into the ground.

"I don't get why we are here." I sighed again. "If he really wanted us to bond, we could have gone glamping and not camping. If only I was as big and important as Tony, I could have skipped this."

"You know Pepper is the one who manages the company." Wanda said.

"Then I wish I was Pepper." I mumbled.

"Then you wouldn't be my girlfriend." I looked at Natasha who mouthed, 'I heard you'.


We finally finished setting up the tent and were cooling down by the river. Wanda and Nat were totally soaked by splashing one another, they had a really close relationship before I joined. They kept trying to get me into deeper waters but I was only willing to go calf deep.

"Babe! Just get in!" Nat shouted from a far.

"No! I don't like getting my clothes wet." I took one rock and made it skip across the water.

"Just take it off. " Nat coming closer to me.

"I don't want to."

"You don't have to be shy, we are all ladies here." Nat tried to lift up my shirt but I pulled them back down. We kept tussling over my shirt and it was very slippery in the river, causing Nat and I to fall.

"Nat! Y/N!" Wanda came closer to check on us.

"Geez, Y/N, if you were to cooperate you wouldn't have gotten your clothes wet. Just take them off." Nat lifted my clothes up to my waist.

"STOP IT!" I yelled at her and stormed off. I never once shouted at her in our relationship.

Natasha POV
"You actually managed to piss her off." Wanda was surprised. Y/N was the softest amongst the Avengers, never raising her voice at anyone. If anything, she was a pacifist.

When I lifted her shirt, I managed to see some sort of a marking, though only halfway. Then all her previous actions clicked, why she acted in a certain way or why she prevented me from doing things. I rushed to get my top laying on a rock, leaving Wanda alone, ignoring her calls.

We were in the middle of nowhere so she could have either gone very far or in the tent. Lucky for me, she was in the tent. "Hey." I said as I went in, not having any door to knock. She had already changed into another clothes. I saw her head move slightly, but she did not turn to face me. "I'm sorry."


"Y/N..." I stepped closer to her.

"I said. Leave." She growled at me.

"I'm not leaving."

"I. Am a property. I am marked. I am somebody else's property. I was bought. I was sold. I was supposed to be a sacrifice." She started rambling and shaking and I hurried forward to hug her.

"No. You are no one's property. You are not an object. You are my girlfriend and you are not a sacrifice." I reassured her.

"Nat..." She started tearing up. "Do you still love me?"

"I love you babe, no matter what."

Since we are in a tent, the floor is our bed. The both of us laid down as Y/N was still sobbing. "Is that why you never took of your top when we are having sex? Is that why you never let me shower with you? Never let me check your wounds?" I felt her head nod. "You don't have to worry now. It's okay if you are still uncomfortable about it. Take your time."

"They sold me to a demon cult. They wanted to summon the demon and they needed a sacrifice so I was picked... There were others too, other kids waiting for their turn." She said softly.

"Those people deserve to die."

"They did. I killed them... The ritual went wrong, and I got powers in return. Am I a monster? A demon?"

"No. You are the best anyone can ask for. I love you."

"I love you too."

Written on 1/10/2021
Posted on 7/12/2021

Inspired by Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) anime/manga. It's a really nice anime in my opinion.

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