Reservist pt2 S.J

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The 100th chapter! We are halfway there woohoo!!!

Scarlett POV
It's not fair how they spend five days in the army and only 2 days with their friends and family. Not that I want to complain, but Y/N just sat at the couch doing nothing after starching her uniform. That was the only fun thing. After starching her uniform, it is able to stand on its own and she loves putting it at random places scaring me.

She's finally back and I want to do something exciting, not just laze on the couch. I understand she just wants to rest but after cuddling the whole of yesterday with her, I only have a couple of hours left before she has to leave again the next morning before the sun even rises.

"Babe..." I whined and shook Y/N slightly as she laid in front of me as we were cuddling again on the couch.

"Yes baby?" She tilted her head backwards.

"I'm bored..."

"What would you like to do?"

Wait... it's that easy? I just have to ask? What have I been wasting the last couple of hours for, just sitting around doing nothing. Let me think quickly, we only have five hours of daylight left, what could we possibly do?

Movie? Amusement park? Shopping? Or...?

"What about the beach?"

Suddenly, she sat up and looked at me. "You are going to burn! It's already 1pm."

"Please?" I pouted and gave her the puppy eyes which I know she can't resist.

"Fine..." She sighed. "But I'm not going to pack." 

"Yay! Love you." I gave her a hug and a peck on her lips before running off.

Your POV
What am I supposed to do to resist those puppy eyes and that beautiful face of hers? A part of me wants to stay at home and rest but a bigger part of me wants to make Scarlett happy. I knew once she asks, I would never be able to reject her. Despite that, a smile ran through my face as I saw her run up to pack for the both of us.

"Okay! I'm ready! Let's go." Scarlett came running down with two bags, one for each of us.

"That's fast. I think you can go to the army too." I joked as I went forward to grab my bag and the keys for the car.

"Nonono. I don't think I can last there."


"But seriously baby, nobody goes to the beach when the sun is the strongest." I expressed as I parked the car.

"It's the only time you're free and we already wasted our morning." Scarlett gave me a kiss before hopping off the car. I rolled my eyes as I followed her to the empty part of the beach. There were still a handful of people on the beach despite the blazing sun. This activity seemed to be more popular than I thought.

Scarlett placed our towel on the sand and bags on top before taking off her clothes, revealing her bikini. A mischievous grin went across my face as I picked her and started running towards the ocean.

"Babe babe waitttt." She shrieked as I got into water deep enough to throw her in without hurting.

She stood up, moving her wet hair back as I laughed at her. "You look gorgeous baby."

She huffed and started splashing water at me, making me wet as well. The cool water gave us a breather from a scorching heat. The splashing got more and more vigorous and neither of us were dry after.

"Baby, I'm hungry, do you have anything?" I asked, as we were laying on our towels in the shades.

"I have some fruits for myself, but I am not sure about you." She teased as she took out a box from her bag.

This lady doesn't know who she's messing with. "Well, I have a ride home, but I am not sure about you." I sat up and started packing my things.

"Wait." Scarlett held my arms. "Sorry... we can share." She held the box of fruit in front of me.


I stifled a yawn as we have been sitting there for some time. The sun was starting to set. The beach was fun, but there was only so much we could do between the both of us. "Baby can we go back? I need to wake up early tomorrow."

"Okay." We started packing our things and went through Mcdonalds to get our dinner before driving home. It's funny how we were at the beach during the times people would avoid and start leaving when the crowd comes.

I went to bed early without Scarlett and by the time I left, she was still sleeping. "See you baby." I whispered and kissed her forehead before leaving.


Someone in my platoon made a mistake and lost their water canteen in the jungle and we were getting held back because of this. The army was very strict on knowing where your belongings were. Who knows if the next thing you lose was your gun?

Sure the supervisor was scary but in my mind, an angry Scarlett was more frightening. I was thinking what to say to her while we were getting reprimanded. The other platoon were walking pass as they left the camp and we could hear them whispering about us. Finally, after an hour of lecture, she let us off to contact our family. Each of us were in one corner as we had phones to our ears.

Scarlett POV
Suddenly my phone rang and I saw Y/N's caller ID on my phone. This is never good, she never calls unless something happens. I picked up the phone and answered.


Yeah? Why did you call babe?

Sorry but I won't be able to go back this weekend.

What? I waited all week.

I know but-

I ended the call in frustration. I was waiting patiently for my rewards but I ended up with nothing and having to start over again? This felt like a scam. I groaned and dropped to bed, face planting the pillow, her pillow to be exact. I heard a ping from my phone and I went to check. It was from her.

If things go well, I should be able to call you again.
My sergeant is a fan of yours, remember?
I bribed her with your signature.

I chuckled, I can't believe she dared to bribe the sergeant in the army. But I left better knowing we were still able to talk later, seeing how I ended ours abruptly earlier.

See you later babe.

I hugged her pillow as I waited for her call, staring at my phone, ready to pick up the moment it rings.

It was around midnight when Y/N finally called again. (video call)

Hello baby.

Did you really give her my signature?
You carry it around?

Seriously! That's the first thing you ask?
Yes I did, your signature is worth a lot more than you think.

So you're not coming back until next week?

I could hear her sighed and looked away from her phone.

I hope so. Nothing is ever set in stone.

You should head to bed soon. You need to wake up early tomorrow.

Alright. I'll call you again tomorrow.

We blow each other a kiss before ending the call. I sighed as I tucked myself to bed, hugging her pillow and taking in her smell before trying to sleep. It was going to be long night for the week ahead.

Written on 19 Oct 2021
Posted on 13 Feb 2022

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