Stressed S.J

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Extra one today because it's a rant post. It's not as good. Sorry.

Your POV
"Hey Y/N, we are going out for dinner, do you want to join us?" Scarlett came to ask me in my trailer. We had just wrapped up a week of filming and had the weekend free to do whatever.

I thought for a while before replying. "Sure." I haven't been home for 5 days, a couple extra hours should be fine right?

Dinner was great and we ended up going to a club after. We ordered a few drinks and partied for a few hours before deciding to head back to our respective homes.

Sure I had a few drinks, but I'm pretty sure my father had more when I saw the cans littered on the ground. Signing, I bent them to pick them up and threw it in the trash can. He was seated in front of the TV watching some show while I saw my mother in her room using her computer.

Our family isn't in the best shape, it has seen better times and I'm pretty sure this was the lowest it has been. They were still on talking terms but it's usually only for work or unless necessary. I went to film for a week and I came back to this situation. Things were alright before I left and I had no idea what caused it to be like this.

"Y/N, I want you to draw up our expenses, everything including insurance, tax, bills, etc. I want to know how much we spend each month. Once I settle everything I want to retire, I give up." My dad came into my room and said before leaving again.

I just nodded my head and listened, planning how I was going to include these 'fixed' expenses in the excel spreadsheet. But honestly, I was just afraid at the thought of him retiring, without his income, I'm not sure if I am able to support the family.

Suddenly he came into my room again and placed his packet of cigarettes in front of me and asked me to throw it away for him. I knew his work was giving him a lot of stress. Each time he tried to quit smoking, something would come up and he goes back to it again.

"No need to purchase the next round of beer." He shouted from the living room, though it was aimed at my mother since she's the one who does the groceries.

Now I was just thinking about the money problem, not bothering to do the expenses just yet. I know I wouldn't be able to support the family with just me alone, I need to do something that makes him not retire, but what?

Just as I was about to get ready for bed, my mother came knocking on my door. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

I took a deep breath before replying. "Nothing, just continue what I've been doing." Pretending that nothing can affect me.

That night, I could feel tears coming out from my eyes as I took another pillow to cover it. It made me remember a few days back when my uncle came over to visit and asked if I was ever stressed, to which I replied no. My heart always beat rapidly when someone asks me that question.

"She's never stressed." Said my dad from the kitchen. My uncle looked at me and I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

You're lucky I'm strong and disregard my emotions, otherwise, I don't know what I would have done.

I didn't know if I was stressed, it's a feeling I have no knowledge of. Friends asked if I was stressed doing work and I told them honestly I don't know what stressed it. They told me I was stressed after observing me for a few minutes and I just gave them a small nod before going back to do my stuff.

The next day, there was still a slight tension in the air and me being me, had elected to ignore it. You see, my father didn't have much education so he still have to rely on my mother for certain things such as messaging, he can't spell for shit.

Suddenly, I heard a message come through from my phone.

Hey Y/N.
Are you free?
Do you want to hang out?
Colin went out to work and I'm bored...

Hi Scarlett.
Sorry, I can't go out right now.
I'll see you on set on Monday again.

Oh... ok
I'll find Lizzie then.
See you on Monday.

I sighed and put down my phone to see my parents on the dining table. It was always up to me to glue them back together and I'm tired of it. One week without my presence and they were already breaking apart, what more if I left longer.

>time skip to Monday<

Second POV
You were seated on your chair waiting to be called for shoot when Scarlett came over to look for you. "Hi Y/N!" She tried waving at you to get your attention but it was elsewhere. Scarlett had to literally snap you out of your thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry Scarlett. Did you say anything?" You shifted in your seat and looked at her properly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just didn't have a good night's sleep."

"I can tell something is bothering you and I know for sure you were free that day when I asked you out."

"Oh my god, how do you know so much about me? Are you a stalker?" You acted as if you were paranoid at her words.


"Relax... I'm fine. I was just tired and I didn't feel like going out." You patted her shoulders before heading in front of the camera to film your scene. Scarlett didn't believe you for one second. She knew you were the type to head out no matter how tired you were when your friends asked you out.

It was just a short scene and a quick retake and you're back at your chair. It was still a while before it was Scarlett's turn so she's here to bother you again.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. I'm just going to close my eyes but I'm listening." You placed your elbow on the armrest and rested your head on your fist.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. You know, I need my sleep."

"Well yes, but I'm talking about-"

"My lack of motivation." You cut her off. "Don't worry, it's just some family stuff. It will pass soon."

You just have to keep telling yourself that and hope it was just your father's drunken talk and everything will be back to normal or this entire thing was a dream that I will wake up from.

Written on 8/12/2021
Posted on 13/12/2021

I am afraid.

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