Burn pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
What did she mean by 'caught the wrong knife'? We know that Fury promoted her from SHIELD to the Avengers. 

Why would Fury recruit Y/N even though he knew hardly anything about her, or is he hiding something?

Y/N refused to tell me anything and is making it really difficult by avoiding me.

I waited outside the training room for her session to be done with Bucky. There was only one entrance and exit so I knew I would be able to catch her here. But when I saw Bucky coming out with Sam and no one else was in the training room, I was surprised.

"Where is Y/N?"

"She swapped her session with Sam. She should be running with Steve."

"Fuck." I couldn't believe how easy it was for her to dodge me.

Your POV
Running with Steve was not easy. Correction, I wasn't running with him. He just passes by every few minutes while I was struggling with my round. I wonder how Sam does this everyday with Steve. This is really demoralising.

"What did you give Sam to run with you everyday?" I asked as I flopped to the grass, trying to catch my breath.

"Breakfast." Steve stood there as if he just took a stroll in the park.

"Why don't you help me avoid Romanoff for the day? You know, for fun." I had to make it lighthearted for Steve otherwise he wouldn't even consider it. He doesn't like to mess with people's relationships.

"Nat?" I nodded my head.

So that's what happened for the rest of the day. Romanoff would try to approach me but Steve would butt in and say he has something important to discuss. With him being the team captain, Romanoff could hardly object if she didn't have any excuse.

Steve would try and drag it as long as possible to buy some time for me to hide, but with no real objective to discuss, Romanoff quickly buzzed him off and went to find me.

It was getting closer to the night and it was harder to get away from her since we were running out of excuses.

"Sorry, Steve is finding me." I got up to leave when Natasha came into the room.

"Steve? Again? You're just avoiding me."


I stayed in Steve's office for as long as possible until it was time to leave.

"Hey it's already midnight. I don't know what you're trying to do but she's desperate. I have never seen her approach someone so many times." Steve oh Steve... the captain in him never leaves.

"Thanks Steve."

I went to knock on Romanoff's door but received no answer. I kinda have an idea where she would be in this hour, but wouldn't it be more interesting to stay the night here?


I woke up the next morning in the same position I was in last night. Well, it was time to end this hide and seek.

I walked out of her room and Wanda immediately said. "Woah. What's going on today? Y/N came out of Nat's room and Nat came out of Y/N's room?" She pointed to me and Natasha.

Natasha looked at me as I entered my room. "We need to talk."

"Wouldn't you like to talk?" I left the door open for her to enter. I went into my bathroom to wash my face before looking up at the mirror. I took out my gloves and saw the scars on my hands. The memories of that day are still fresh in my mind.

I stepped out of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe as she sat on my bed. "So how was sleeping on my bed like?"

"Lonely. Where did you get your powers from?" My mouth parted slightly when she answered but closed again when she asked the question.

"It was night after work." I took a seat on my bed. "It was Hydra... I think he was just given the new knife and was testing it out. I was pretty sure he was going to kill me and not bring me in." I paused.

"But I caught the knife. He tried to have another go but I just held on tighter. Fury happened to pass by and when he saw Fury he just ran away."

"When I shook Fury's hand after I was stitched up, he pulled away stating that he felt his hand burning. It appears the power seeped into me through the open wound." I put on my gloves after I was done with my story.

"There's nothing to be ashamed about your scar." Natasha explained.

"It's not that... I don't get to touch anyone without my gloves on. Sometimes I don't remember what it feels like anymore."

Just then, Nat has my face in her hands. "Just because you can't touch anyone with your hands doesn't mean you can't feel me."

Tears fell, I had no idea how much I was missing this contact. Nat pulled me closer and gave me a hug, I cried on her shoulder. "You don't have to go through this alone."

Written on 2/1/2022
Posted on 3/1/2022

For RINEP2478 and KatieRomanoffBelova who asked for part 2. Wasn't planning on it but here we are. 

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