I'll find you pt2 N.R

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Natasha POV
Ever since I came back, it's as if I have gained two additional bodies. Y/N and Yelena hardly ever leave my side. Wherever I went, they followed. Yelena started going back to school weeks after I came back so it was mostly Y/N in the day.

Now that the team realised I have powers, I was sent out on more missions, different from the one I was usually sent on. Attacking Hydra's base instead of reconnaissance and gathering information.

"It's really now that I hate making that deal with Fury. I want to go with you." Y/N sat sulking on the edge of the bed, looking at me as I walked across the room preparing for the coming mission that I was going to.

"But you have to take care of Yelena." I said.

"Then who is going to take care of you?" She mumbled but I heard it nonetheless.

"Baby..." I held her hand and she looked at me pouting. "We are still in the team, no matter how much you hate them."

Y/N told me how fast they stopped searching after I went missing. It wasn't as if I was caught in an explosion, they literally saw me get taken away. Why would they think I would be dead?

"I just don't like them taking you for granted and only when you're gone do they start panicking." Just then, Yelena came into the room and Y/N quickly blinked her tears away.

"Hey, sweetheart." I went to approach her and give her a hug.

"You're leaving?" Yelena said when she was I was wearing my suit.

"Just for a quick one. I should be back around midnight." She nodded and looked at Y/N who gave her a smile before leaving for a room.

"I should be going." With a sigh, she got up and followed me to the helipad where the rest were waiting with the quinjet. Before boarding I turned around. "I don't want to go on the mission and the last expression I see on your face is sulking."

She chuckled a bit before pulling me closer and giving me a kiss. "Better?"

I gave her another kiss. "Much better." I was finally able to see her smiling back before the jet took off.

Your POV
After the quinjet got out of sight, I went into Yelena's room and saw her staring at her homework. "Don't worry, I'm not here to ask you to do your work." I laid on her bed and scrolled through my phone looking at pictures I had with Nat.

"I know you're sad, mom."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"Be sad with you." She got into bed with me and cuddled.

"What a buddy. Are you sure you're not doing this to skip your homework?" I placed my phone down and wrapped my arms around her.

"You said you won't ask me to do my work."

"Did I?" I pretended to think.

Second POV
After chatting for a few minutes on Yelena's bed, the both of you end up falling asleep on each other.

Natasha came back hours later in the midnight like she said first went to Yelena's room and she saw you and Yelena sleeping together. Her heart ached at the scene and further solidified her decision.

She got to work quickly but quietly, not wanting to wake the both of you up from your beauty sleep.

When you woke up in the morning seeing how you went to sleep earlier than usual, you saw Natasha sleeping on the other side of Yelena. She was peacefully so you didn't want to wake her up from her rest, not knowing what time she came back yesterday.

But Natasha was Natasha, she noticed you were staring at her even though her eyes were closed. "I always catch you staring." She smirked

"Morning." You whispered. Not wanting to wake up the child in between.

Suddenly, she got up from bed and you looked at her wondering where else she had to go when she came back so late and the sun was barely up. "I got a surprise for you." She said when she saw your furrowed eyebrows.

"Now?" Not wanting to leave Yelena alone.

"For both of you. But Yelena doesn't have to wake up yet." She threw at you your clothes to change into and you slipped out of bed carefully and changed into them quickly.

When you got out of the bathroom after changing, you saw Natasha carrying Yelena who still managed to sleep through all the movement. She nodded her head towards the door and you followed her without saying anything.

You followed her to her car still uncertain where she was bringing all of you. It was way too late to see the sunrise and too early to do anything else. Natasha buckled Yelena in her seat and you sat in the passenger seat while Natasha drove.

"Want to tell me where we are going now?" You asked quietly. She shook her head and you looked out of the window to gain a clue.

Natasha stopped amongst the residential area and got out. Was she picking someone else? You looked as Natasha went round the car and opened your door, hinting you to get out. You talked more comfortably now that you were outside the car.

"Now can I know what this is?"

"I know how much you don't like to stay with the Avengers anymore so I got us a house." She pointed towards the one the car was parked right beside. "I would still be joining the Avengers but I told Fury I won't be joining as much."

You looked at Natasha with glossy eyes and she gave you a peck on your forehead before waking Yelena up. "Where are we?" She said when she woke up in a foreign place.

"Your future home." Natasha passed you the keys to the new house. You unlocked the door and it was a very cozy house. Yelena and Natasha walked in behind you and Yelena was very excited about the new house.

"I'm calling dips on this room!" She shouted. You chuckled and Natasha had her hands around your waist.

"I want to see you smile more than you sulk." Nat said as both of you watched Yelena run about, checking each room.

"I am speechless. Wait, what about our stuff?"

"I got it covered. It's in the trunk of the car."

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

Written on 5 Feb 2022
Posted on 7 Feb 2022

Requested by: alexisromax Addiblob580

Man... I think I posted the whole of last week. Sometimes I just can't ignore and say no.

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