Fever sight N.R

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I wasn't sure if I wanted to make us as Nat's child or gf so it became very vague.
Fever dream but make it fever sight.

Your POV
I pulled my bed sheet closer to me, I could feel myself getting colder but I wasn't at the point where I was sick yet.  I don't remember any reason to get sick so I tried to shrug it off and go to sleep.

I felt the need to go to the washroom and maybe because I didn't on the lights, I kept seeing dots and needles everywhere. I left the washroom but it kept following me everywhere. Everywhere I look, I see the same thing over and over again, like it's chasing me. I bit my lips, and rushed into Nat's room, not trusting my own.

I lifted her cover and got into her arms, not saying anything. As long as I was in her arms and closed my eyes, I couldn't see anything.

Natasha POV
I was sleeping when suddenly, Y/N burst into my room and got into my bed without saying anything. She usually never does that so I was a bit worried. I patted her back while she hugged me tightly and hid her face in my chest. I could tell she was scared of something.

"Are you okay?" She shook and nodded her head. Which was it? Was she okay or was she not? "Do you want to talk to me about it?" I could feel my shirt getting wet from her tears.

"It's scary."

"What's scary?"

"The thing that is chasing me." She pulled me closer to her to the point where I had trouble breathing.

"What's chasing you?"

"Like dots and needles, I see them everywhere." I touched her forehead, at least she doesn't seem to be sick or having a fever.

"Okay, just go to sleep. I'll be here." Y/N remained in my arms for the remainder of the night.

Your POV
Nat was nice, she was warm, it was very comfortable in her arms and I fell asleep very easily. The next morning, I woke up in the same position which surprised me, since I was the type of person who moves a lot when I sleep.

"Morning." Nat noticed that I was awake.

"Morning Nat." I slowly pulled away from her.

"Are you feeling better?" Nat checked my temperature again using the back of her hand.

"Yeah. Thanks for last night. I don't know what happened." I said truthfully.

"It's okay, if anything like this happens again, you can come and find me."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Written on 7/10/2021
Posted on 11/1/2022

Don't everyone just wish there's someone to hold you? There are days when I just have to tell myself it's fake until I fall asleep. It scared the shit out of me when I experienced this for the first time.

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