Call pt 2 N.R

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Your POV
"Bye!!!" I waved at Ashley after dropping her off at daycare. I feel bad for leaving her there but there was no one else to take care of her. I could hire a nanny but I thought it would be better if she learned how to interact with other kids at the same age.

Some days she would ramble on about the exciting things she experienced with her friends whenever I went to pick her up. It never fails to bring a smile to my face to see my baby being happy, it always washes away my tiredness after a long day at work and recharges my battery.

I was going through the results of the test and finalising them so it can be handed off to my boss for approval and the cars can be delivered to SHIELD.

Suddenly, someone barged into the room rudely and I looked up to see the annoying redhead coming my way. "Who the hell let her in?" I slammed the pen on my desk in frustration.

"I'm so sorry Ms Y/L/N. I tried stopping her but she kept going." My poor assistant kept bowing as she explained. I sighed and waved her off before looking at Natasha.

"Why do you keep bothering me?"

"Why are you so defensive?"

"Me? Defensive?" I scoffed at her words. "I gave you everything I had and you threw it away. So I decided to leave and build everything back stronger than ever." I stood up dramatically and pointed at her.

"I know I-" She was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Miki calling. She knows I'm working and her job hardly allows her to call me when she is too.

Y/N, you gotta help me... the bad guys... they know I'm here. I need your help to get me out. Calling reinforcement would only bring more attention.

What? Just send me your location. AND don't end the call.


I rushed out of my office, startling every staff member who was outside. Natasha was confused about my action, seeing how my expression changed after answering the call. She followed me down to the company's car park and got into the passenger seat as I got in mine.

"I'm only not arguing with you because I don't have time." I said as I revved the engine and drove off. Inputting Miki's location into the GPS, I took every short cut I knew, making tight corners and weaving in and out of traffic.

The corner of my lips curled as I saw Natasha holding onto the overhead handle. This isn't new for her, she knew I always drove recklessly, just that I may be going a tab bit above the speed limit. "I wonder how you got hired by an auto motor company with this driving skill." Her body jerked forward as I slammed on the break.

"They don't look at your driving skills. Now get to the back seat." We arrived at the location and I went looking for Miki using the map on my phone.

Hey... I'm here, is it safe to walk out?

I'm in the green building. You got to come in.

I followed her instructions and pushed open the door quietly. My eyes widened when I saw her covered in blood. I rushed to her side, no longer bothering to check any corners. If she's alive here, there shouldn't be any bad guys. "Oh my god, you said you got noticed, you didn't mention anything about getting shot."

She chuckled lightly. "Would it make any difference?"

"No... not really." I wrapped her arms around my neck and carefully picked her up. She grunt slightly as she fully extended her legs. She was placing pressure on her side as I walked her to the car that was parked in an alley. Let's just hope Natasha hasn't stolen my car.

I saw my car parked in the same place and thankfully, Natasha was already sitting at the back. I placed Miki together with her before. "Take care of her wound."


I got onto the driver seat and pressed a button to allow the entire back row to be fully flat. Another button and the hidden compartment revealed itself with a complete set of every first aid kit you can imagine. "Do your job since you're here."

I drove back to my house where Miki could recuperate properly, checking at every turn if any suspicious car was following us. From the rear view mirror, I could see Natasha stitching up Miki's wound with her swift hands. The number of times she had done it herself had made her so experienced that it was easier to do on others.

I unlocked the front door and Nat carried the sleeping Miki into my guest bedroom. After making sure she was alright, Nat and I left the room.

"You always seek adventure." Nat broke the silence as we sat around the dining table trying to wrap our heads around what just happened a few hours ago.

I looked at her confused. "Miki's job is dangerous too. Danger always seems to attract you."

I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off by the buzzing from my phone. One look at the caller ID and I instantly realised that I was late to pick Ashley up from her daycare.  I groaned as I picked up the phone and apologised profusely before making my way to the door again.

"Stay here and look after Miki."

What a stressful day it has been.

"Mummy!!!" Ashley ran into my arms as I bent down and picked her up.

"Sorry I'm late sweetie." Just as I was about to open the back row door, I realised I haven't had the chance to clean up the bloody seats. "Tell you what, you get to sit in front with mummy today." I moved my hands to the passenger side and buckled her in properly. It still wasn't safe for a child her age to be sitting in front but I had no choice.

"Yayyy!" Ashley bounced in her seat as she always wanted to sit in front with me. Just seeing her this happy recharges my battery green instead of red.

As usual, she was talking about her day at daycare and since she got to spend a few extra minutes today, she got to stay with her friends longer. She was still talking on and on, even repeating some of her points when we reached home.

Natasha and Miki stopped talking as soon as I entered. "No need to stop because of me." I continued walking past them and brought Ashley to her room. I helped her shower and change before going back out.

"Where's Miki?"

"She left, she said she needed to report back to her head."

I nodded my head and poured myself a glass of water. "Then what are you still doing here?"

"I'm going to get you back. I'm here to tell you that." She showed off her famous smirk before closing the door behind her.

I fear for my future.

"Mummy!" I heard her running footsteps coming down the hallway.

"Now... sweetie, what would you like for dinner?" I scooped her up and placed her on my hip.

Written on 21 Nov 2021
Posted on 13 May 2022

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