Moon N.R

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One mission. That was all it took to break you down. You have heard about other people experiencing it, but when it comes to experiencing it yourself, it was different. You shut yourself off for a few weeks after the incident, nobody knew about it.

You thought you had forgotten about it. It happened about 7 years ago. That you had let it go, that you were finally free.

It was until you saw him on the streets one day that the memories washed over you. All the feelings surrounded you and you were delving in again. Back to 7 years ago.

The team noticed something was wrong with you. Hiding back into your room, wearing hoodies (normally you wear a tank top), not eating as much as usual, missing your bubbly presence. They were unsure how to approach you since you cut everyone off.

One night, you decided you had enough being cooped up in your room, and you decided to head to the roof.

Natasha heard someone opening a door and saw shadow moving underneath her door. She knew it was you since you were the only one who was on the right of her room. Natasha also knew what was wrong with you, Wanda had told her after reading your mind since the younger redhead didn't know what she should do.

"Friday, where's Y/N?" Natasha asked the AI.

"Y/N is currently on the roof, Ms Romanoff." The AI answered.

Natasha got off her bed and headed to the roof to find you. You were lying down and watching the clouds in the sky. There weren't any stars to see since the city was so bright but it still provided some comfort to you.

Natasha cleared her throat as she approached because she didn't want to startle you. You glanced at her before returning to your original position. Both of you sat in silence. You weren't sure why Natasha was up on the roof with you, but it kind of helps. You were too busy thinking of reasons to remember why you were even here in the first place.

"You know..." Natasha started speaking. "The moon is always hanging in the sky even though you can't see it during the day. The sun is so bright that it covers the moon."

You knew it had something to do about you being secluded from the team since she wouldn't approach you otherwise.

"There's no moon for me. There's nothing waiting for me on the other side."

"Wanda told me what happened."

"I figured as much. I just can't forget about it. I saw him the other day and suddenly I felt like I'm being touched all over again, his hands crawling all over me, his scent that I so desperately tried to scrub out after it happened."


"But I'm fine." I let out a long breath. "I'm no longer the old Y/N Y/L/N." You gave Natasha a soft smile before leaving.

The next day, you were back wearing your usual tank top as you headed down for breakfast. "Thanks." You whispered softly to Natasha as you took your seat. "You too, Wanda."

The team looked between you, Natasha and Wanda, not sure what's going on, but they were glad that you were back to your usual self.

Written on 22 Oct 2021
Posted on 22 Feb 2022 or better yet 22/2/2022

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