Intern pt3 S.J

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Your POV
I started out with the wrong foot today. It is Friday, the last day of the working week but it's not going too well. I started sneezing in the morning and it was draining my energy. It was tough enough trying to stay awake and sneezing made it even harder.

Everyone one left for work or school, leaving me alone at home. Before work got hectic, I took my medication but it wasn't working. Perhaps it was time to change.

For better or for worse, my senior had training that day and I wasn't given work except for finishing what I had left from the day before. So for the rest of the day, it was spent trying to stay awake and nothing to do. Wanting to fall asleep, yet afraid that something might pop up.

I know I can make my laptop not go to sleep but no movement from my side will make the status go yellow instead of green so they know I'm not doing anything or may not be in front of my laptop.

I was 70% sure I had nothing to do but I couldn't risk going back to bed. I resorted to taking out my other laptop and watching YouTube on it instead, even that didn't help long until I felt my eyes closing. A short nap should be fine right?

Scarlett POV
I went to the office to sign the contract for the upcoming movie and went home pretty quickly. I thought I would see Y/N working in front of her laptop, not sleeping. "Y/N?" I knocked on her table.

She jumped up and looked at me. "I thought you went to work?"

"I did. I just came back. Are you not feeling well?"

"I'm just sneezing."

"Part and parcel of working." I shrugged my shoulders. She needed to learn that life is not flowery, things often don't go your way and you just have to deal with it.

"See you after work."

Your POV
The rest of the day as expected, I was not assigned to do anything. I logged off and went to my bed and drifted to sleep immediately.

"I'm going to fetch Rose from her friend's house." Mom said as she shook me. I heard her but I didn't reply so she repeated and asked for a reply.

"Mmm." I replied sleepily.

An hour later I woke up but I can't remember what mom told me. Did she want me to do something? She's not at home so I know she left. But what did she tell me? Did she actually say something or was I dreaming? I decided to call mom just in case she wanted me to do something important.

She told me it was nothing and she's coming back from Rose's friend's house. Even after mom told me, I didn't have any recollection of her words.

Soon, mom and Rose came back and I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Mom was wearing her Black Widow suit and Rose was dressed as a ladybug. "I- I think I'll skip dinner and head to bed early."

I think my brain was fried that day.

Written on 13/11/2021
Posted on 8/1/2021

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