Intern pt4 S.J

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Your POV
I got the message from my senior that I needed to go to the client's place next week. He gave me the address and I already knew it was going to be far away but checked it regardless. It was going to be an hour away. I am going to have to wake up earlier than I already am. I set my alarm as I didn't want to be late on the first day there. He also told me to book a cab and just claim from the company afterwards. Thank goodness for that I don't know how much longer it would taken if I had to take public transport, well, mum could always fetch me I guess.

We may have started work at the client's place later but we ended late as well, adding the time it takes to travel back, I ended up falling asleep on the way back. Not to mention, our manager came to review our work on the last day, making us stay even later. Even the employees working there were asking if we were heading back as they needed to lock up the place.

"Mum!!! I'm going to the office next week." I shouted from my room when I got the message that they wanted to discuss work allocation in the office.

Rose, thinking that I had ended work because I started talking, came into my room. "Sissy... You are going away next week?" She asked. When mum have to leave for filming, it usually meant that we both couldn't see her for days.

"No, I'll just be gone for the day, I'll be back at night." I wasn't too busy so I picked her up and placed her on my lap. "I'll still spend time with you at night okay?"

"Promise?" She held out her pinky.

"Promise." I hooked my pinky with hers. Mum came into the room just in time as another senior gave me work to do. "Here, go to mummy." I placed Rose gently on the floor before running to mum.

"Do you need me to send you to the office?"

"Nope. But I may need you to fetch me home. I'll text you though, I don't know what time I may end." I told her. She nodded before leaving me, giving me peace during work.

I texted my friend who works in the same office as me.


Are you going to office next week?

Do you want to head to office together?

Meet you at (meeting place).


See you!

See you too!

I heaved a sigh of relief, I'm not that great at interacting with new people and I'm glad she is extroverted so she can bring me along for the ride.

>time skip to one of the days in the office<

There were lots of tasks left unfinished despite having lots of motivation in the office. Like, I've never worked continuously for such a long time before, I always took breaks and dazed off at home. It's probably due to the pressure from the other colleague in the office. I didn't want to seem like I was lazing around.

It was already one hour past office hours and I thought we could pack up and go home. In fact, some of them had already left, but since my friend wanted to ask her senior regarding some work, I stayed back and waited for her.

"Are you sure you don't want to leave first?" She checked on me to make sure I was okay with staying behind.

"Yeah sure, no worries. I already told my mum I'll be back late." Looks like dinner was out of the question today.

I wasn't complaining about staying behind, but I known that she was going to take an extra 3 hours, I would have continued working instead of slacking behind. I had tons to catch up on.
(I ended up doing things I didn't need to do)

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