Coincidence pt2 S.J

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Rant fic. Sorry

Your POV
It's 2.43am, Scarlett should be asleep right? I just want to feel like I'm talking to someone. Writing on a piece of paper doesn't make me feel much of a difference. I need to get it out. I only texted her once since we last met, so I hope she doesn't think too much about it.

My parents see me as a cash cow. I only exist for cash.
Each time they talk to me, it's about money.

It's ridiculous for them to think that I have so
 much money for them when I am 19 Y/O with $600 pay.

Why do I have to pay all the bills when I have to
raise myself since I get zero cash?

I have to pay my brother's school fees and
they don't even plan to pay me back.

They took this money when I was not even working.
I paid the water bills because they were tight on money
and needed help. Literally never gotten this money back.

She probably didn't see it right? I hope the string of messages didn't wake her up. I better delete it before she sees it.

You deleted the message.
You deleted the message.
You deleted the message.

Scarlett POV
I heard messages come in last night but I was too tired to check it. Now that I have time to check my phone after settling Rose and breakfast, I went to find the message that I received during the night.

It was from Y/N, she left quite an impression on me on the day we met so I remembered her clearly. But it appears she deleted her message before I was able to read it. Since she sent so many messages, I don't think she texted me accidentally.

Hey Y/N. Is everything alright?
Why did you text me during the night?
Is it important?

It should be important since she texted me during midnight.

Y/N didn't reply, maybe she's in school or something. I hope it's nothing too serious. Roughly, an hour later I got a reply from her.

Hi Scarlett.
It's nothing important. Don't worry about it.
I got it settled.
Sorry for texting you in the middle of the night.

No worries. If you need anything you can always come and find me.

Thank you, have a nice day.

Y/N seemed different. Wouldn't people be excited when they are talking to celebrities? She did seem nervous on the two occasions we met. Maybe she doesn't like to talk.

Your POV
I don't understand what my father is thinking. He's getting more than ridiculous, expecting more things from me. I know filial piety, but he doesn't deserve it.

My dad asked me to pay the utility bills
when I am saving up for Uni.

He expects me to play since he thought I have $5000
in my bank when I only have $500 which I use to
 survive for school since he's not giving me allowance.

They expect me to be the cash cow but
they treat me the worst. They just expect it.
If they keep getting cash for me, I wouldn't be able to
 get to Uni and they'll be getting close to no cash.

Since you like your other daughter so much,
 why don't you get her to pay the bills.

I sighed after ranting my heart out. I really don't feel like staying in this family anymore.

You have deleted the message.
You have deleted the message.
You have deleted the message.

I shouldn't make this a routine. Scarlett is going to get suspicious if I continue texting her in the middle of the night and tell her nothing is wrong after.

I better not get used to texting Scarlett, she isn't going to be there forever.

Scarlett POV
Again Y/N texted me in the night and when I asked her what's wrong, she refused to tell me anything. I was getting worried, it was as if she was trying to prevent me from seeing what she typed by texting in the night.

I don't know if she was going to message again today since she wasn't texting everyday, I made sure my notification was on the loudest setting before going to bed, trying to catch her messages this time.

My phone rang late at night and I reached for my phone immediately. Sure enough it was from Y/N. I turned on the bedside lamp and sat properly while reading her messages this time.

Not my dad going the guilt tripping
and manipulative tactics again.

Acting all nice like he didn't scream at me
just now for asking him to pay me back the utility bills.

Everyone is a fucking piece of shit.
Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong.
My past life must have done something really bad for me to live this life.

I know there are good things too and I could have it worse
but sometimes, I just don't want to live anymore.

His biasness is so apparent. He never asks me if I needed money if I went and takes it from me instead, but once my sister is going out, he gives her money without her asking.

What's going on with her family? Has she been talking about this all these time? Before I got to read through again to internalise what happened, she deleted all her messages. So that's why I never get to read her message...

Not wanting to startle her by reading her message that she was hiding, I decided to only text her tomorrow.

Hi Y/N.
I just wanted to say I read your messages last night.
Please don't take your own life.
You can always come to me if you need help.
If you need a getaway, you can always come to me.
I can help.

Hi Scarlett.
Sorry to disturb your sleep last night.
Don't worry, I am too much of a coward to take my own life.
I plan to rent a place once I have enough money.

You can stay at mine.

I can't do that.

Don't worry, I'm sure Rose would love to meet you.
If you are worried about the rent.
I'll let you pay a fraction, so you don't feel bad.

I'd love to meet Rose too, but I can't possibly do that.

I insist.

I'll think about it.

Written on 24 Oct 2021
Posted on 5 March 2022

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