Owner pt2 S.J

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Scarlett POV
I arrived slightly earlier than 7pm at her restaurant. I peeked through the glass window but I was unable to spot her. When I enquire about her, the staff told me that she was staying upstairs. I didn't notice that there was a living quarters above her restaurant. Following her directions, I went up the stairs and pressed the doorbell.

I heard rummaging sounds before Y/N opened the door. I raised my hand to greet her but she closed the door before I got to say anything. I guessed I should have told her I was coming.

"Sorry." Y/N said when she opened the door again. "I didn't think you would be standing in front of my door."

"No worries. Your staff told me you live here and there is still a bit of time before 7pm." I explained for showing up without notifying her.

"They need to be trained again." I went back down and waited for her as she got ready.

"Sorry for letting you wait." Y/N said as she went down the stairs. I love the way her clothes fits her and flowed with the wind. She was so elegant that I couldn't help but stare at her.

She noticed I was staring and asked. "Like what you're seeing?"


I brought her to a restaurant that I booked beforehand, hoping that it meets her standard seeing how she owns a restaurant as well. The waiter led us to the corner of the restaurant with nice privacy. After flipping through the menu, she ended up only ordering a salad.

"A salad is the best way to figure out if their produce is fresh." She said as if reading my mind.

"You learn something new everyday."

The meal went smoothly and we had a few interesting conversations to get to know each other better. She has never been in a relationship before, as all she did in her spare time was making new recipes. Never once did she speak about her family so I didn't probe any further.

With our shoes in our hands, we walked by the beach and let our feet dipped in the cool water. Without warning, she took my hand and looked at me.

"Are you sure you've never been in a relationship before?" I stopped and pulled her around to face me.

"I must be a natural for you to say this." Y/N smiled cheekily at me. There's silence between us before she added. "It's been a great night, but I should head back."

My face dropped for a moment. "Sure, I'll drive you back."


I parked the car next to the street. "Do you want to head up?" Y/N said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"A-are you sure? I don't want to take up your time if you have things to do." I stuttered.

"You won't."

Apparently, she was fermenting the dough before she came out with me. "What do you think about pizza?"

"I have nothing against it." Y/N began working out the dough and rolling it thin before tossing it in the air. It was as if I was watching a circus in front of me, showing all sorts of stunts such as catching behind her back, catching with one hand and even rolling the dough over her shoulders. She invited me to pick out the toppings and we chatted a bit more while we waited for the pizza to bake.

"Why do you like culinary so much?"

She thought for a while before coming up with an answer. "It helps take my mind off things and it's what I'm good at."

The oven bell rang and she wore her mittens to take out the piping hot pizza. The way the cheese pulls and fluffy crust together with the fresh toppings makes it such a delicious pizza that I moan uncontrollably.

"Oh my god. This has to be the best pizza everrr."

"Thank you for your compliment. You have no idea how much joy it brings to the chef." We finished the pizza quickly, not leaving anything behind, not even the dust.

"Can I come over again?" I turned around and asked as I stepped out her door.

"Sure. Let me know so I can make sure there's people manning the store."

"Great! I'll see you soon." This has to be one of the best nights ever, I can't wait to see her again.

Written on 6 Nov 2021
Posted on 10 April 2022

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