Keys S.J

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Your POV
Well shit, I just locked myself out of my house and I have nowhere to go. Scarlett isn't coming back until night because she's having an interview and I left my car keys in the house so I can't go for a drive. I could ask Lizzie if I could crash at her place for a while but she's just married and I didn't want to interrupt. Should I text Evans? He's the only person who's still single... but his house is empty. In the sense that he's not home and is filming.

I looked at the time. 3 hours. At least 3 hours until Scarlett gets back. What can I do to pass time?

After juggling the options in my head, I decided to head to a quiet bar. In that case, if Scarlett were to go overtime, the diners won't chase me out because they are closing. It was just a few streets down so I texted Scarlett where I was heading so she could pick me up when she came back. Even though it was only slightly past 7pm, the place was filled with people. Not as quiet as I thought it would be.

I managed to get a seat from the couple who was leaving. I decided to leave it to the bartender to give me an assortment of drinks. I'm going to need an element of surprise to survive the night. The first few drinks were sweet, but it slowly got stronger and stronger. I wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol content or the amount I'm drinking.

Scarlett POV
Interview ended a while ago but we stayed behind talking about random stuff, what's going on behind our life and any interesting stories. Finally, people started taking their leave and I was able to check my phone. I heard a message coming in earlier but I was unable to reply because they were calling for me.

I forgot my keys in the house.
Can you come get me when you're done with your interview?
I'm at Eden Bar.
Love you. Xx

Hi babe.
Sorry, I just checked my phone.
Love you too.
Are you still there?
I am going to come and fetch you now.

By the time I got to Eden Bar, Y/N was already drunk. If she stayed as long as I think she did, she would have been here for more than three hours.

"Y/N." I tapped her shoulder.

"SCAR-" I covered her mouth to prevent her from yelling. There's no need to let everyone know I'm here. I paid for the bill and man... did she drink a lot. I guided her wobbly legs to my car, she kept walking the opposite way and I had to drag her back. I was panting by the time I managed to buckle her in her seat.

"Why are there so many of youuuu?" Y/N slurred, trying her best to reach me, but failing each time. This lady sure had lots to drink. I grabbed her hands and put it on the gear stick before placing mine on top.

"You're drunk, sweetheart."

"Humm, I knowww"

I shook Y/N lightly when we arrived at the front door and she stirred slightly but made no indication of waking up and moving. "Sweetheart, we are home. You got to wake up." I shook her slightly harder. She groaned in her seat and lifted both arms. I couldn't possibly carry her but she could lean her weight on me as I guided her to the door.

"Why did you drink so much when you knew you couldn't take it?" I said as I set her on the bed.

"What am I supposed to do while you're gone?" I don't know if it was her drunken talk, but now I feel bad.

Your POV
I woke up with a pounding headache and took a look at my surroundings. Scarlett must have picked me up after I was drunk. Dang, I hope I didn't do anything stupid. Aspirin was already on the table that Scarlett placed last night. Getting a headache was almost a certain fact.

"Morning." Scarlett said as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

"Morning." I said after swallowing the aspirin. "Right! Yesterday the bartender let me try coffee liquor, you should try it."

"Seriously? That's the first thing you think of when you wake up? You didn't even bother to thank me." Scarlett crossed her arms and pouts.

"Thank you and sorry babe..." I gave her a kiss on her forehead. "It's just my thoughts drifted back there because my head was hurting."

"Since when have you become a drunkard?"

"Sssince yyyyesterday?" The bartender gave you lots of different alcohol to try, which perked your interest. "Come on... I know you want to try it too. He showed me a lot."

Scarlett shook her head before leaving the bed. "Where are you going?" I looked at her in shock.

"I thought you wanted to get liquor? Changed your mind?"

"I love you!!!" Practically leaping out of bed.

Written on 1/10/2021
Posted on 2/12/2021

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