Laughing N.R

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Let's just say we are Natasha's girlfriend, not an Avenger, and because of Covid, we are working from home a lot.

Natasha POV
Y/N has been forced to work at home because of Covid and I am getting a bit worried. I would hear her grumble and sigh then laugh at the next second. I was really worried about her mental health because it was harder to separate work from home when it is in such close proximity. She spends the majority of her day around her desk and the worst thing was, it was in the same room as she slept. Work was constantly on her mind as it hardly left her sight and people expected her to work more since she's staying at home. I could tell it was draining her as she dozed off faster when we cuddled ever since she started working from home. I couldn't stand it anymore and decided to take matters into my own hands.

I was kicking my legs up and down, mumbling incoherent words as I tried to complete the documents. The client gave me an incomplete set of data, not allowing me to do my job easier. I groaned in frustration as I tried to find alternative ways of completing my work before resorting to ask from the client again. My index finger was in pain after numerous clicking on my mouse, I was getting tired of this. So I started to use more of my middle and ring finger. I was reaching my limit as I started laughing aimlessly at my laptop even though there was nothing funny. Perhaps I was laughing at how tough this is, perhaps I was laughing to escape from reality. I never know.

Natasha came into my room just as I was laughing because I was making slow progress. I stopped laughing as she pulled me to bed. "Hey hey what are you doing? I'm still working."

"Just 10 minutes, for me. I'm really tired from my work." I raised my eyebrow. Nat? Admitting that she's tired from work, that's a first.

"Okay..." I said skeptically. She hugged me as we laid on bed and her breath was hitting my neck, making me drowsy also. If I was not tired earlier, I was definitely tired now. My head would start sliding off and I would jerk awake.

"Just relax..." Nat placed my head on her shoulder. I thought this was about her, not me...

Natasha POV
I came in at the right time as Y/N was laughing hysterically in front of the laptop. I pulled her to bed and she looked at me weirdly because I just dragged her away from her work. I told her I was tired from work to prevent wasting time. I know it's bad of me to use her weakness but it was for her sake. I saw her jerking her head each time she was about to fall asleep so I placed her head on my shoulder and told her to relax.

She closed her eyes but not fully drifting asleep, just then her laptop sounded. Damn it. She pushed herself off. "Sorry Nat, I forgot I have a meeting with the client." She pushed me out of the bed as the camera was facing this way. "Maybe later, just hang on for a while yeah." She said while pushing me out of the room, not letting me get a word in.

Even until then, she thought that the rest was for me. I left to find Tony to help me settle some stuff.

I came back an hour later and she was still having a conversation with the client. See what I mean by working non-stop? She gave me a nose scrunch before focusing on the client again. This continued until it was past office hour and everyone else was already winding down except for her. I entered her room quietly again and she was just about to wrap up with the client meeting.

"Long meeting?"

"Yeah." She gave a heavy sigh. "They had a lot of questions." She said while typing on her laptop. Y/N noticed that I was still staring at her. "Just give me a few more minutes. I need to type down what was mentioned in the meeting then I'm done."

I walked over to her and lifted her onto my lap. "I'll wait." I watched as her fingers glided across the keyboard. If she knew how to hack, she would definitely be a valuable asset with such a high wpm.

"Andddd done." Y/N clicked the enter button. I gave her a kiss on her neck and lifted her up. "Woah, where did you get the energy from?"

"While you were working." Both of us did our night routine before heading to bed. "It's your turn to rest." I said while hugging her tightly. Again, she fell asleep in my arms really easily. We used to be able to have some small talks before falling asleep, but she doesn't really give me that chance now. Well, I rather her have her rest instead of messing up at work just because she didn't have enough sleep.

Once I made sure Y/N was in deep sleep, I slowly peeled away from her, trying not to accidentally wake her up.

Your POV
I heard my alarm ring and I turned to snooze it, giving me extra time in bed. I know Nat hates this since she can wake up on the first ring but I can't. I turned back and she gave me the shock of my life. Normally, she would allow me to go back to sleep instead of staring at me. "Y- M- Yeah?" I have no idea what to say, morning or what?

"I have a surprise for you."

"O- okay..." I got up to get ready but realised that the things on my desk were missing. "Nat? Where are my laptop and such?" Did she throw away my stuff?

"You'll see. Get ready and I'll show you."

I looked at her suspiciously before dragging myself off the bed, missing the extra time that I could have had. My alarm rang again just as I stepped out of the bathroom and Nat was looking at me. "Ready?" I nodded my head.

"I wanted to give you an office space instead of working where you sleep. It's not healthy." Nat explained as we walked. "So I asked Tony to prepare the spare office for you." She opened the door and I saw all my laptop and documents on the table. "My office is just across so we get to see each other more often." Nat added.

"I love you." I gave Nat a kiss, I didn't expect anyone to do that for me when I wasn't even thinking about it.

"I love you too. See you during lunch?"

Nat left me at my desk and I saw a sticky note on my table.

Frustration means you want to excel, but too much frustration will make you hate your job.
Nat xx

Seeing the note brings a smile to my face, I stick the note on my laptop, not intending to take it off. I took out my phone and texted Nat.

When you hear me laughing, can you come and save me?

Anything for you.

Written on 30/9/2021
Posted on 30/11/2021

I really laugh when I am doing my work, especially when I can't stand it anymore. Even during exams you can hear me chuckle when I read the question. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Omg... I'm still in office.😭

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