Visiting N.R

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Natasha POV
"Do you want to stay over?" I asked Y/N when we were about to finish watching a movie. We have been going out for a couple of months, but never once she stayed over for the night no matter how much I tried to persuade her.

"I can't Natasha." Again I was met with rejection, why doesn't she want to stay over? What does she have to do when it's already dark?

"Why?" I decided to ask her, I needed answers. "Why do you never stay over? Are you meeting someone else? Are you cheating on me?"

"What! No! You opened your heart to me, I'll never allow myself to do that. She-"

"So it's a she." I interject.

"I-" Her phone rang and she had to pick it up. I don't know what went through the phone but her face immediately changed, she got out of bed and started packing her stuff while looking at the time.

I managed to grab her arm before she stepped out of the room. "Where are you going?" She looked at me and struggled to answer. "Can't you tell me? Is it that bad?" All the negative thoughts were swirling in my mind.

"I- you, you can drive me there if you want." I'll take it, I'll take anything that can give me answers. I grabbed my keys and we left for the car. She didn't tell me the address directly. Instead, she pointed to me at each junction, telling me where to go. I sneaked a couple of glances at her when I could and she was stressing, biting her nails and checking the time.

When we got to her destination, it wasn't what I was expecting, it wasn't an apartment complex nor was it a hotel. It was a hospital.

"We're here."

Who? What? Why? Were the questions I had in my head as I followed her into the hospital. The way she turned the corner without having second thoughts showed that she's been here a lot and knows the place well. She applied for the visitor pass for me and we went up.

We were in the elevator when Y/N finally spoke up. "She's my sister. She's been weak ever since she was born."

"You can sit here and wait here for a bit."

Your POV
I walked into my sister's ward and saw her using her phone aimlessly. "I heard what happened earlier."

"Don't roll your eyes at me! You know that the nurse has to tell me what happened. How are you feeling now?" I took the seat next to her.

"Better. Why are you here so early?" She said, still scrolling through her phone. I sighed and snatched it off her. "Hey!"

"Looks like you have energy. I brought someone with me. You like the Avengers right?" She nodded her head. "I happened to be dating one."

"What? What did he see in you?"

"First, it's a she. Second, I'm perfectly capable of getting a girlfriend." I scoffed and got up to invite Natasha into the room.

"You're the Black Widow!" My sister pushed herself up and sat up straight.

"Why are you not that excited when you see me?" Slightly hurt by her enthusiasm.

"Sorry sis, it's not like I see the Black Widow everyday."

"My name is Natasha Romanoff, I hope to be able to see you more often." Both of them shook hands.

"If you get well enough, maybe you can go to the compound with me and see the rest of the Avengers." I told my sister.

They engaged in their conversation and I was glad that they were able to find things to talk about. Whenever I come and see her after leaving Nat she hardly replies to my questions, only giving me the occasional hums and nods. She's definitely more energetic after seeing Natasha, I hope she will be able to get better and leave the hospital soon.

"Alright. That's enough, Nat needs to go back. She can come...?" I look at Nat for answers.

"Tomorrow. I'll come again tomorrow."

They said their goodbyes and I walked Nat out of the hospital. "She's a lot more energetic with you here."

"I hope she gets better soon. I'll see you tomorrow?" Nat stopped next to her car.

"Do you want to meet here? I practically live here now. She seems to enjoy your presence a lot."


"Thanks Nat, I wasn't sure how you would react, so I didn't tell you."

"It's okay. There's nothing to worry about." She came over and gave me a hug. "I love you no matter what."

"I love you too Nat"

Written on 9/10/2021
Posted on 18/1/2022

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