Really sick N.R

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Just basing it on the time when I got H1N1 and was admitted to the hospital.

TW: throwing up

Your POV
I woke up feeling very tired as if all energy had been sucked out of me. I felt a chill run down my spine as I pulled the duvet closer up my neck. Suddenly mom came into my room seeing I hadn't stepped out and the sun was already hanging in the sky.

"Sweetie? Are you alright? Why haven't you come down to join us?" Mom came to check on me but I pushed her out of the way and ran to the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet, puking whatever contents I had in my stomach from yesterday. I felt my mom's hands pulling my hair back and rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry." I said after rinsing my mouth.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault."

God, I feel so disgusting, I could still feel it in my throat. I made the motion of drinking to my mom and she understood my meaning and left to get me a glass of water while I walked back to my bed.

Natasha overdid herself by bringing in a jug of water with a glass to fill. I used both hands to drink as I don't trust my shaky hands to use one. Mom took my temperature and told me I definitely have a fever. She got some antibiotics from Bruce and hoped that my temperature would go down in time. Before leaving, she swapped out the thick duvet for a thinner one and placed a bucket by my bed so that I wouldn't have to rush to the bathroom.

I continued lying in bed until I heard my door open again. I turned my head over to see mom walking in until she sat next to me. I had no energy to ask her so I waited for an explanation.

"I told the team you were sick. I'm going to stay with you until you get better." I was going to open my mouth to protest but I ended up reaching for the bucket instead.

"Just go and sleep. I'll clean this up." I nodded weakly and relaxed into bed.

Natasha POV
I dumped the contents of the bucket and cleaned it before placing it back by her bedside. She was sweating a lot even though she was shivering. Once I made sure she was asleep, I pulled the blanket off her and tried to wipe her sweat away, hoping that her temperature would go down.

I continued staying by her side until Wanda came in. "She's still feeling unwell?"

"This is the first time I've seen her this sick."

"Let me know when she wakes up so I can make her something light."

Y/N slept all the way until 5pm flipping her and there halfway but never fully awake. If you gave her a bed the size of the room, I swear she would use the entire inch of the bed when she sleeps. Somehow her arms made their way to my waist and she spoke. "You still here?"

"That's not very nice missy." She remained silent and continued hugging me. "Wanda told me to text her when you wake up so she could cook something light for you."

"I don't feel like eating."

"I know, but you have to eat something to get better." I encouraged her. She remained silent so I took it as a yes. Not that I would have allowed her to say no anyway. Very quickly, Wanda came up with a bowl of soup. She must have been making it already seeing how close it was to dinner time.

"I hope you get better soon." Wanda said.


I held the bowl of soup for her as she slouched over, reducing the distance and bringing the spoon closer to her mouth. Despite saying she didn't want to eat, she managed to finish half before pushing it away.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now