Ignored N.R

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Natasha POV
I turned over to feel for my girlfriend but there was no one around. I usually woke up earlier than Y/N and she wouldn't wake up until the clock strikes 10. I checked the time and it was only 8 in the morning, did she get a sudden mission in the middle of the night? I got ready and left to find Y/N but she was nowhere to be found.

"Did you guys see Y/N?" I asked the team who was sitting around the kitchen table.

"Nope. Did you guys have a fight?" Steve replied since he was also one of the first few to wake up early.

"No... I haven't seen her since this morning. I checked the schedule but she has no mission planned." I sat down at my chair with a sigh. Where could she have gone? Where did she go without telling me?

"Relax Nat, I'm sure she'll come back." Wanda reassured me.

Your POV
I was planning to prank Nat today so I went to bed early yesterday, knowing I have to wake up earlier than Nat tomorrow. Gosh, why does she have to wake up so early in the morning? I planned to stay out for half a day otherwise it wouldn't work. I knew I would be found out if I was to stay close to Nat in the compound. How was I supposed to resist her? Before leaving, I left my phone at my table so Nat wouldn't be able to reach me.

After breakfast at a café, my first stop was the library. It has been a long time since I visited the library. It's something that the compound doesn't have, since everything is online and especially with FRIDAY, we just have to ask. The smell of the library with books just makes me feel different even though I wasn't a nerd. I prefer to read some comic books and murder mysteries that just transport me to another realm.

As I was browsing through the bookshelf, something caught my eye, it was the set of a Sherlock Holmes book. It consisted of all the novels and short stories collections. It was definitely the thickest book I have ever seen. I found a seat in the library and started flipping the pages.

I must have lost track of time because it was already lunch time. Oh nooo... I'm in deep trouble, I didn't plan on staying out for this long, Nat was sure to be mad. I borrowed the book and went back to the compound.

I was met with Nat stomping towards me as I entered the compound, I almost gave a reaction but then I remember I was ignoring her. I steadied myself as I walked past her and back to our room.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? Why didn't you bring your phone?" Of course Nat started to ask all sorts of questions as she followed me. She followed me into our room but then I remembered that my phone was at my desk. I placed the book on the bed and walked out as soon as she stepped in, making it seem as if I was avoiding her.

"Hey! Where are you going? Why are you not answering me?"

I'm sorry Nat, but I can't bear to look at your face right now. I quickly located my phone and went back to bed reading. All the way, Nat was talking to me, trying to get me to answer her. In my time in the library I had already finished reading one novel and moving on to the next. I found a suitable place to stop before heading down to the kitchen since I was hungry.

"Baby? Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" Nat softens the tone of her voice. I continued to cook a simple noodle soup with my back facing her and she knew not to disturb me because she was not allowed in the kitchen.

"Baby... stoppp. It's not our anniversary or either one of our birthdays. Why are you ignoring me?" I gave her a look before eating my noodles. I scrolled through my phone as I ate, blocking out Nat's voice until she grabbed my chopsticks. I glared at her before walking off.

"Babe... are you mad at me for letting you sleep alone first yesterday?" Now that she mentioned it, it is a valid explanation. Should I end it here? Nah, I want to see how far I can push it. I picked up my book and continued reading it on the bed. Nat was still trying to get my attention by poking my body and I had to wave her off.

"Babe that's enough, you need to tell me what's wrong so I can fix it." I picked up my phone and texted her. Her phone pinged and I nodded for her to take it. "This was a PRANK?" She shouted. I put my lips together, trying not to smile but failing terribly.


"Since you want to ignore me so badly, take your book out and read. You're sleeping on the couch tonight." She kicked me out of the bed and pushed me out of our room together with my book before slamming the door at my face. Nat opened the door again and threw at me a pillow and blanket before closing the door again. I sighed picking them up before walking over to the couch.

"That was not smart of you Y/N." Wanda saw the whole ordeal happening.

"Well, I'm paying for it now." I set the pillow on the couch before reading again. Nat did not come out from our room once since I told her it was a prank. It was the team's turn to ask where she was when they saw me at the couch with a pillow and a blanket. I told them what happened and they laughed at my demise.

As the night continued, the team slowly started to pull back to their room, leaving me alone. I still have the lights on because once I start reading, I can't put the book down. I was having a tough time finding a comfortable position to read since it was such a thick book. I tried lying down to read but it was too heavy to hold it for a long period of time. I tried putting it down but my neck hurts from bending down constantly. I sighed, not being able to find a comfortable position. I resorted to sitting on the floor and putting the book on the table so at least I was looking up.

"How come you are not asleep yet?"

"Why? Were you hoping to sneak into my arms in the middle of the night?" I knew who it was from the voice.

"You wished." Nat came and sat on the couch behind me.

"Then why are you still here?" I looked up behind me to see Nat playing with my hair.

"I was lonely without you. I already missed you the whole day."

"Awww, come here." I put my book down and got on the couch with her. "I'm sorry. I'll never ignore you again."

"You wouldn't dare."

"I wouldn't dare." I pulled her to lie on the couch with me. "We are sleeping here tonight."

"I'm fine anywhere as long as it's with you. I love you."

"Same goes for me. I love you too."

Written on 11/10/2021
Posted on 12/10/2021

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