Seeing red pt2 N.R

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Natasha has been feeling sluggish lately and wearing thinner clothes even though it was starting to get colder. I thought she was just being in her element since she was more used to the cold compared to the rest of us until she started throwing up nearly every morning.

This morning was no different. We were cuddling in bed before having to start our day when she pushed off me and ran into the bathroom. I followed after her and pulled her hair up and rubbed her back. "You need to go to Bruce, this has been continuing on for way too long." I was worried for her, there's no way a stomach bug would last this long and I was hoping it was nothing serious.

Unable to find any other excuse to delay this further, Natasha finally agreed to my request. After the sensation passed and she washed the taste off her mouth, we walked to Bruce's lab to find him already working.

"Hi Y/N, Nat. Why are you here so early?" He gave us his attention and dropped whatever he was working with and approached us.

I spoke up seeing as Nat hadn't said anything. "Nat has been feeling under the weather lately, so I was wondering if you could check?"

"Sure. Just lay down here for me."

>I can't be bothered to write about the checks<

Bruce kept glancing at his chart and us repeatedly, tilting his head as if something was wrong. "So? Just tell us." I urged him. The tension was getting thicker and I could feel that Natasha was shaking even though she was trying to be strong.

He took a big sigh before saying. "It seems like you're pregnant."


Nat and I said at the same time.

"About 8 weeks now." He added. Both of us sat there in shock, not knowing what to say. "I'll give you some space."

"I thought... you-"

"Me too. I shouldn't be able to have children. And it's Steve's child no less..." Nat turned to look at me with tears in her eyes.

"What are you going to do with it?" I asked her while clasping her hand in mine. "I will be with you every step of the way." I assured her no matter what she chose.

"I don't know." She shook her head, tears were dropping more quickly as she cried on my shoulder. "This may be my only chance to have a child of my own but I don't want it to be part of Steve."

I could see where she came from. She is strong but it's not easy to carry a child who reminds you of the time you were raped. "You have two to three weeks to think about it. You don't have to make a decision now." I consoled her.

We left the lab and went back up to our room where I was still trying to calm her down. It's not easy when Natasha was thinking way too much and quickly and I wasn't the best at comforting people. "Do you want me to tell Steve?" I asked her and she shook her head

Over the next few days, Natasha didn't step out of our room not wanting to even have a glimpse of Steve. I settled the rest and told Bruce not to tell anyone. Everyone was concerned about the lack of presence of Nat but I assured them that she was fine and just wanted some space for herself. I would go down to the kitchen during lunch and dinner to pick up our food and have it with Nat in our room.

"I think I made my decision." Nat said one day as we were having dinner.

"Yeah?" I placed my plate down and took her hand.

"I want to abort it." She said while looking down on her lap.

"Okay. I'll tell Bruce. When do you want to do it?" I respected her choice. I know it wasn't easy making a decision, whether to keep it or not. Some may think it's cruel but I think it's worse if you are unable to bear the emotion and memories in the future and treat your child badly. They don't deserve such treatment.

"As soon as possible."


"You ready?" I looked her in the eyes. She nodded. "I'll be waiting outside for you." We decided to do it early in the morning so there would be less chance of people knowing. I gave her a lasting kiss before seeing Bruce wheeled her into surgery.

Hours later, Bruce came out with a sleeping Natasha and told me that everything went well. We just needed to wait for the anesthesia to leave her body and she would wake up. I stayed by her side until it was later in the morning.

"Baby, how are you feeling?" I stroked her head and asked when she regained consciousness.

"Alright. I don't feel different I guess."

"That's good. Bruce said we can go to our room once you wake up." I told her knowing she would prefer to recuperate somewhere does not look like the hospital.

As I was helping her up and guiding her to our room, Steve came out of the elevator and looked at us before glancing behind us.

"Why was Nat in the medbay? Furthermore in the morning? Went too hard?" Steve teased and I stepped in front of Natasha shielding her.

Without a word, I pulled my arm back and punched him. "Did you forget what I said? Stay five meters away from her. This is just a warning." Steve was rubbing his sore jaw as I pushed him aside and delicately pulled Natasha into me before closing the elevator door.

"I'm sure I'm better than you anyway." Steve managed to say before the door closed fully.

I was about to say something but Natasha beat me to it. She shoved him into the wall and grabbed his collar. "Because of you! Because of you I..." She trailed off at the end of her sentence.

Seeing this scene clicked something in me and I went to punch Steve again. I reached behind my back pocket and stabbed him before dragging Natasha with me.

"You bitch!" He screamed and this time we managed to get to our room without anyone disturbing us.

"I can't stand him anymore! I have been trying to keep it down but he keeps getting on my nerves. Do you want to move out? I want to move out. Should we have our own house? Near Clint? Or maybe you would like to go back to Russia or maybe Ohio? Or maybe in another country or state?" I rambled on as I rubbed my hands together.

"Hey hey, look at me." Nat placed her hand on my cheeks. "Calm down. Take a deep breath."

"I have a better idea." She started.  "We stay, and he goes out. Why should we be the one leaving when he's in the wrong?"

Natasha was always the one with a more rational head than mine that's why she was leading this relationship. I nodded my head in agreement and we decided to tell the team later.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Thank you so much for staying by my side. One day, one day we will have a house on our own. I promise you that."

"As long as you're with me. Anywhere's fine."

Written on 28 Feb 2022
Posted on 28 Feb 2022

I had time during work to write this so here you go. CalixtoWho Dicewritess heeeythereciao

Sorry if it's not what you expected. 

Maybe we'll have kids of own in other chapters.

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