You're back? N.R

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Life without Natasha, Tony or even Steve was different.  I only eat once every day but hell I was drinking every hour. I don't even know where the rest were. We seemed to be different after defeating Thanos, each processing their grief with different methods. Safe to say, most of us are not taking this easily.

I had nowhere else to go so I stayed in the compound. Not that I was of much use. Fury and Maria often came over, seeing how the Avengers were in such a disarray. Sam and Bucky were the ones lifting the weight of the Avengers now. When things are a bit quiet, they would try to bring me out, but the most I would do is step into the living room. If I was not drinking in my room, I would be drinking there.

Nobody was in the compound today, all of them had missions to attend to, leaving you alone.

"Just my luck." I spat, finishing the last bit of vodka I had in my room. I pushed off my knee and headed to the kitchen. There should be some there. Blurred vision was a constant as I felt my way down, tripping every so often when I didn't manage to hold onto anything. I groaned as I continued making my way down.

"There it is." I finally found what I was looking for. It was in a different place from what I remembered. "When did it get there?" I took the bottle and closed the cupboard. I heard footsteps coming but there was no noise. "Sam? Bucky?" No reply, odd. I took the knife from the kitchen and investigated, still holding onto the bottle of vodka.

The figure came into sight and I had to squint my eyes to take a better look. "Nat?"  Her arms flashed in front of you and knocked the knife onto the floor. "Holy shit." I looked at the knife on the ground.


"Stop. You're dead. I must be dreaming..." I walked past her but she grabbed the bottle of vodka away from me. I looked at the figure in shock. I didn't know ghost could touch objects. "M-maybe I'm not dreaming. I-I must be dead. Right..." I nodded my head and continued making my way to my room.

She grabbed my arm and I tried to pull away. "Don't touch me, don't touch me." I was trying to resist the grip but she was too strong. I dropped to the ground and she pulled me into a hug.

"It's me. It's really me. I don't know how it happened but I'm back."

I broke down into tears, bawling my eyes out like a child. "Is it really you?" I hugged tighter onto the figure, afraid that it would leave me again.

"It's me babe, I'm not leaving anymore." I cried harder than I ever have ever since she left before passing out in her arms on the floor.

The next morning, I woke up in bed. "Nat?" If what happened yesterday was real, she should be here. Unless I was dreaming or Sam or Bucky brought me back.

"I'm here." I felt her arms around my waist and I slowly turned my head to face her. Tears started to threaten to fall again as I finally saw Natasha lying next to me. "Don't cry." She wiped the tears with her thumb.

I sniffed. "You know, it's been so long since I slept on this bed. I never made it to bed, always passing out in front of it. The bed just wasn't the same without you." I said, breathing heavily, trying not to cry.

"I'm not leaving anymore." She gave me a kiss which I missed for so long.

"Did you meet the others?"

"They can wait." Giving me another kiss again. I was never going to let Nat out of my side ever again. I'm not going to lose her again.

Written on 3/10/2021
Posted on 18/12/2021

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