Needle N.R

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Natasha POV
It was time for the yearly checkup for the avengers. Fury implemented this since he wants to keep tabs on our health and doesn't want any of us to make excuses of being sick and skip missions unnecessarily. The only problem was Y/N absolutely hates needles. Even when Bruce was checking over her for her injuries without any needles, she tenses up and looks everywhere. It's like her brain connects the needles with the medical area and just dragging her there takes everything out of me. I tried asking her about it but every single time she just shakes it off and avoids the topic.

It was nearly her turn and I purposely arranged our timing to be next to each other so we could go together but she's giving me a hard time getting her to the medical bay.

Your POV
I was holding on to the door for my dear life while Nat was trying to pull me away. Hell, I would not go to the medical bay, that horrendous place filled with torturous devices.

"Babe, it's almost our turn already." She tried pulling my body away from the door.

"No! I am not going." I shouted, clinging onto the door frame.

"Don't make me do this." The next thing I know, red wisp surrounded me and took control of my body, making me release my grip from the door. "Thanks Wanda." However, Nat did not stop there. She made Wanda bring me to the medical bay against my will. I could hear and see everything but I was stuck in her powers. I couldn't even move to get out.

Bruce did the medical scans such as MRI, CT scan, X-ray and it was finally time for the flu shot and whatever shots Fury instructed him to give. He knew I was scared of the needles and left them to the last for me. The worst part was that there were going to be more than one, not including the blood test.

I knew it was coming but Nat was standing guard by the door and I just couldn't escape. Each time I made a dash for the door, she was there to stop me. She didn't keep her eyes away from me even for a moment. In other times I would love that but not now.

"Why don't I inject Natasha first to show it's nothing." Bruce suggested.

"I'm not going to allow you to leave even if I take it first." Nat grabbed my arm and made me sit on her lap as Bruce injected her with the shots, knowing all too well that I would use this chance to escape. I also didn't want to move suddenly as her arms were around me and I didn't want to cause a medical accident by moving and causing the needle to break. "See, it wasn't so bad was it?"

"Alright. It's your turn."  Bruce said as he faced my way with the needle. I shook my head frantically and tried to break out of the grip of Natasha around me. What I saw coming towards me was not Bruce, but my captor. Every few hours they would inject me with something causing me to grow crazy and bounce off the walls. I started to scream and knock around, not caring if Natasha got hurt in the process. Bruce stopped in his tracks as it was very dangerous for him to inject me when I was moving so much.

Nat tried to calm me down in the process but I bit her hand. She finally released her grip on me and I rushed to the door but Bruce was there to stop me and held me to the ground. My hands were behind my back so I do not have the leverage to push myself up. I was struggling on the ground, growling at Nat who was inching nearer to me until she placed her hand on my forehead.

Her blood dripped down my face and I finally saw Nat in front of me, realising what I had done, tears started steaming down my face. Very quickly, my cries can be heard throughout the compound.

Knowing that I'm back to myself, Bruce released me, allowing Nat to help me sit up. I was still crying like a child, bawling my eyes out. I couldn't believe I hurt one person I didn't want to. Nat wrapped her arms around me and rubbed soothing circles on my back to calm me down.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I said through my sobbing, haphazard breathings. 

"It's alright. It's nothing. You're not hurting me." Nat tried to assure me that nothing was wrong. "I'm still here."

Natasha held me until my cries turned into occasional hiccups. "In- in the past... I was once kidnapped before I was in Hydra... They would inject me with something making me go berserk and sell me to the highest bidder. They would always bid for the people with the most energy, making them do manual labour."

"Those people deserve to die, but you are here now."  Nat pulled away and wiped my tears. "No one is going to hurt you here. If anything, we are going to kill anyone who dares to hurt you."

I nodded my head and my eyes moved to Natasha's hand which I bit. "Your hand..."

"It will heal." Nat stood up and cleaned her wound while I stared at her moving around. "See." She showed me her finished bandaged hand.

I held her hand and said. "It better not leave a scar on your beautiful hand."

"It won't."

Ever since then, no one tells me when the annual medical checkup is going to happen. Whenever it's my turn, someone would knock me out of the blue and carry me to the medical bay to conduct all the things needed to be done while I am unconscious. Normally starting with injecting shots and blood test before going to all the scans.

Written on 16/9/2021
Posted on 19/10/2021

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