Deaf pt2 N.R

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I was thinking if I wanted it to be a Nat and Wanda ending but thinking since this is a Natasha/Scarlett one shot, I decided to go with just Nat. I did think of ending with a throuple but I already finished writing and I didn't want to edit the whole thing. 

Your POV
After passing a series of checks and tests, I was gradually introduced into the Avengers. Trust was hard to obtain in this place but after weeks and weeks of proving myself, I was gradually accepted by the team.

They have been really careful around me, not letting me see anything I wasn't allowed to in case I was able to duplicate them with my powers. I was always being watched by someone, mostly by Natasha and Wanda in the beginning as it was easier to communicate when Wanda could directly speak into my mind.

Clint was another one I've seen a lot as all of us were learning sign language from him. He was the only other Avenger who was deaf but I didn't know sign language so there was still a slight barrier between us.

Tony made me a hearing aid similar to Clint's. I've been living in silence for years and being able to hear something brought tears to my eyes even though the first sentence I heard was Tony asking if I could hear anything. It's really the little things in life that you overlook and only learn to treasure them when they are gone.

It's been a few weeks since I was allowed more control around, people weren't constantly watching my every move and I had more freedom. Being part of this family was really fun, much more than Hydra. The moods were light and we had many team bonding sessions. Whenever Tony suggests a party, many of them would groan and complain but they always show up. I mean, it isn't compulsory so if they really hate it, they wouldn't join right?

"Are you joining the movie night later, Y/N?" Natasha asked as she joined us for lunch at the table.

"Um.. y-yeah." I get flustered when I'm around her. It's as if now, instead of being deaf, I lost my ability to speak. It's worse when she's sitting next to me, I could hear my mind racing as I face down at my plate, trying to calm my mind down. Lunch was filled with them chatting about future events but since I was new, I couldn't get their inside jokes.


Wearing the hearing aid the whole day can be a bit tiring and irritating. It gets a bit itchy for my ears so I take them out whenever I am alone in my room. There's nothing much going on in my room, so I'm not missing out on much.

I was scrolling through my phone, that's another thing I was recently addicted to, there's just so much interesting and cool stuff out there to explore and I was missing out on years ago. Suddenly, I felt a dip on my bed and I whipped my head to see Wanda sitting next to me.

"Sorry, I knocked on your door but I didn't hear an answer so I just let myself in." She spoke straight into my mind.

I shook my head and placed down my phone. "It's okay, do you need me for anything?" I asked kindly. I already told them they could enter my room since I knew I wasn't going to be wearing my hearing aid all the time so I wasn't too bothered about Wanda entering my room without permission.

"Nothing, it's just..." She took a deep breath. "Your thoughts were really loud during lunch." She said the last sentence quickly.

During lunch? All I was thinking about was how not to think of Natasha, trying to keep my mind from spinning. "What?! A-are you talking about Nat?" I realised where she was getting to.

"Your mind was only thinking about Nat. It's the only answer. So...?"

"So what?"

"Do you like her?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Natasha/Scarlett one shotWhere stories live. Discover now