Rambling S.J

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Your POV
Scarlett and I were at an art exhibition that we were invited to attend and she was talking about the painting all the time.

You know how some art exhibition gives you an earpiece and you can choose to select which art piece you would like to know more about? It's essentially the same thing but I can't find the pause button anywhere. Scarlett kept whispering what she knew about the painter and the history of the painting.

It's nice to know it's something she's passionate about and wants to share more with me, but I don't know how much longer I can take it. We spent half an hour in a section and I have walked in circles in that section for numerous times.

I tried to stick with Scarlett in the beginning just in case anyone asks me a question but I got bored. When people started streaming in again, I found myself next to Scarlett.

I was at my limit towards the end of the exhibition and sat at a chair while waiting for Scarlett to finish admiring the paintings and understanding the background of the art. It came to a point where I was looking at the decorations instead of the paintings because I had nothing else to do.

An idea came into my mind and I walked next to Scarlett. Immediately noticing my presence, she started talking again.


"Yeah?" She turned to face me and I placed a stalk of rose in her mouth.

"I love you, but you're talking too much."

She scoffed and took out the rose. "You are going to get us in trouble." Waving the rose in front of my face.

"Are you done? I can't wait to get out of here." I took her hand and whined.

"Why don't you wait at a café nearby? You know I can't leave straight away too." Scarlett cupped my cheek.

"Fine..." I put the rose back where I found it. I texted Scarlett where I was and waited another hour before she was done. Pretty sure I would have died of boredom back there.

Written on 7 Nov 2021
Posted on 14 April 2022

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