Do you want another Winter Soldier? N.R

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Natasha POV
Steve, Y/N and I were assigned to clear a Hydra base that was located in Germany. Steve had already briefed us on the plan when we reached. We were supposed to clear the base and look for any information. Steve rushed in first, leaving Y/N and I behind to look for any information.

"Keep in contact." Steve spoke through the comms as he continued forward.

"Got it." The both of us spoke at the same time.

"Don't you think it's getting colder here?" Y/N spoke through the comms as she's in another room.

"No..." Just then, I hear the shutters rolled shut and banging on the door. Nothing visibly changed in my room and my mind immediately went to Y/N. "Y/N! Are you okay?" I rushed to the room she was in and it was locked.

"Nat! I can't get out!" She screamed.

"I'll rescue you. I'll find another way." I shot the locks but it still didn't budge. Steve came running after hearing the situation. Even with his vibranium shield he was only able to make a dent. "We have to find another way in."

"The blueprint didn't show it. We have to wait for Tony to get here."

"ARE YOU CRAZY? By the time Tony gets here she's going to freeze to death! Or do you want another winter soldier?" I shouted at Steve.

"I know you want to save her but you have to calm down."

"You can calm down while I find ways to save my girlfriend." I pushed him aside and started looking for vents and such.

Your POV
It was getting colder and colder. I tried looking for escape routes but my eyes couldn't focus. I could hear my teeth chattering even though I am trying to warm myself up by breathing into my hands and rubbing my arms. I should have read the plans more carefully and I wouldn't have landed in this position. Soon, I can see my breath each time I breathe.

"Nat..." I curled up at the corner. I stopped shivering at this point.

"Stay awake. I'm coming to find you."

"I hope..."

"No. You're going to stay awake."

"When I wake up... you'll be the first one I see..."

Natasha POV
"Y/N! Y/N!" She didn't reply anymore. Shit! Do I really have to wait for Tony to arrive? I went to the floor above to look for any weak spots but it was concrete all around. Even using the grenades I had with me had no impact. I tried using the bombs lying around but it only made the wall crack without any significant traces. I screamed in frustration as I ran back to Steve who didn't have any improvement as well.

"Are you telling me we really have to wait for Tony to arrive?" I ran my hand through my hair. "Can't you ask him to come faster?"

"He's already on the way here."

"He needs to be here now! Not later. She's already unconscious inside." I punched Steve's chest feeling so useless that I can't save my girlfriend. Suddenly, the sound of the quinjet came from outside, and the both of us went to look.

"Step back! I'm going to send a blast through." I could hear Tony's voice through the microphone.

"Wait! What if you hit her accidentally?" Too late, a beam went through the building and I pushed the thought aside and immediately went to look for her. Cold air blast out and it felt like a freezer in there. I rushed in and looked for her frantically. I dropped to my knees as I saw her flopped on her side. Her body drained of any colour. I brought her closer to me and it felt like I was hugging an ice cube. My worst fear came true, she has hypothermia.

Bruce came along with Tony after hearing what happened and was waiting in the quinjet. He told me to continue hugging her to transfer body heat as first aid as he can only do more back in the lab. This is not how I wish to be hugging my girlfriend.

Once we landed, she got wheeled off to the emergency room. Even so, there's nothing much Bruce can do other than giving her warm IV fluids and blood rewarming to bring her core body temperature up.

"We can only wait. If after six hours and her condition doesn't improve then we'll have to try something else." Bruce explained before letting us in.

I looked at all the wires connected to her lifeless body lying in bed and my heart wrenched. The team gave me an empathic look before leaving. "Six hours. You have six hours to come back to me, do you understand?" I picked up her hands and held it close. I kept looking at her for any signs of improvement but she laid there like a stone. Teams came in and out to try and talk to her but nothing happened.

"Why? Why wasn't it me instead..." Not one moment did I leave her out of my sight just in case she wakes up when I leave. I held her hand, not letting go to let her know I'm right beside her.

"Come on... it's almost six hours already. You've slept enough... please..." I was begging at this point. The situation was getting dire since she's not waking up.

"Did I hear you say please?" I stood up and looked at her, taking in the sight that she has her eyes opened. "What? Seen a ghost?"

I lightly hit her arm. "You scared me! You have no idea how worried I was." She started tearing up. "What's wrong? Are you hurting anywhere?"

She started crying even more. "I- I was also scared... I thought I wouldn't see you anymore..." She said through her sobbing.

I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm here now. You're okay."

"Nat." I pulled away and looked at her and followed her gaze to see that the team has come in. "Hi guys."

"Glad to see you're okay." Steve said.

"I just need to go through once over and you should be able to leave." Bruce started touching some of the equipment. After the rest gave their regards, they left Bruce and Y/N with me.

"You can have a warm bath and rest." Bruce said before leaving us alone.

"Let's go." I picked Y/N up in bridal style and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I brought her to our room. I prepared the bath for her as she sat at the bathroom counter with her head resting on the wall. "Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked.

"I need to make up for the six hours I missed."

"Just let me know if it's too hot or cold, okay?"

>time skip after bath<

After she's done, I wrapped a towel around her and helped her change before drying her hair. Even with her messy hair, she looks so adorable. "Are you okay?" I asked her as I saw her with her eyes closed.

She hummed and snuggled into my stomach. "Nothing is better than your warmth." I set the towel aside and picked her up to bed.

"You can rest. And when you wake up, I'll be the first one you see."

Written on 20/9/2021
Posted on 30/10/2021

Can anyone teach me how to write endings better? I always have no clue how to write the ending and it goes downwards...


I have like 75 chapters in my draft so I'm going to start posting 4 times a week instead of 3. 
I just wanted to make sure I have enough in stock and something to look forward to each day during my internship (3 months left. wohoo!) and not be dreading for the arrival of the next day. 

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